Hello everyone
I am trying to install alpha 27.
I have debian bullseye and I have added the backports but the new 0ad alpha 27 is not showing up in the backports
# apt-cache madison 0ad | grep backports
0ad | 0.0.26-2~bpo11+1 | https://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-backports/main amd64 Packages
Any advice about this?
thank you Stanislas69
it's the alpha22 for linux debian ( i'm very happy there are such nice games for linux ! )
so if i click it will decrease the capture bar (the bar below the other bar) the villagers and soldiers will capture the building
once again thank you Stanislas for the explanation
I have experience with age of mythology and I begin to play with 0ad on Linux
This game is very nice
However I don't know how to capture buildings, how does it work?
thank you !
alright thank you for the advice
it's strange because debian stretch is debian 9 and debian jessie is debian 8 so with debian stretch i should have the most recent software
HI thanks for your replies
I have already followed the instructions on this page
I have added Jessie Backports then updated my apt but I seems like the version alpha 22 is not available on the backports ! ?
Can someone confirm alpha 22 is available on Debian ? Has someone succeeded with installing it on Debian Stretch ?
0ad is already the newest version (0.0.21-2).
I added the backports in my source list
then apt update
then apt upgrade 0ad
Where can I find the alpha 22 version for linux debian ? Thank you !it's such a nice game i'm can't wait to play online !
I have just installed 0AD on linux
I love this game
I learned how to play in "single mode" against the computer
Now would like to play against real human players so I tried the "multiplayer lobby"
However the multiplayer lobby is always empty: there is only me and 3 robots...
Is this normal ? or is it my configuration ?
Thank you !