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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by janwas

  1. You probably know of the argumentation point "being open makes it easy to find security flaws".

    heh. By that reasoning, we don't need or want to be open because one gaping security flaw is already apparent: the client has to be trusted, where the military definition of "trusted" applies (viz. someone can screw the pooch).

    On the one hand, we have the lockstep simulation model (used by most RTSes) requiring all clients to know everything, and on the other hand we have the client hiding information from the player to prevent them from gaining a gameplay advantage. Obviously this can't be secure because the player can influence or even control the client.

    Interesting plan. But I can imagine that some open-source freaks would add networking to the free software version (might split community maybe?)

    If people manage to make the source code release network-compatible with the secured version, thus exposing all honest players to rampant cheating, may shame be heaped upon them.

    Consider the secure version to be an extra effort - a bonus - to increase the chance of 'clean' online play for everyone using it. Of course people can do with the source code what they wish, but we'd be very disappointed if they were to take advantage of the source code availability to cause harm to the community.

    What will be the content's (media: gfx, sfx, levels etc) license?

    I don't believe we have a final word on that yet. While we had planned ahead on the source code side and all signed off on an agreement that grants WFG certain rights, I don't think that's been done on the art side. In the worst case, every contributor would have to be contacted and convinced, which may be difficult.



  2. Hello and thanks for your interest!

    Well, since there is no cvs or tarball, it's already obvious it's not going to be open source.

    Have you considered releasing it under GPL? Or open the source code (since you don't need to go open source to open the... source... code...)

    The programmers are sympathetic to open source and are indeed wanting to open the code. However, that can't happen with the entire codebase for security reasons.

    We've come up with the following plan: releasing a open source playable/moddable version, and a separate, closed-source, slightly modified secure version for online play.

    I hope the reason for not releasing a development version is because it really isn't playable yet. You could get a lot of feedback right now. I just know that the programs/games I enjoy the most are those build with a huge community effort. Reaper - which is a non-expiring shareware digital-audio workstation has become - by taking the suggestions of the community very seriously - an audio workstation that puts its competitors that have been around for over a decade, run by million-dollar companies to shame.

    Nexuiz and Warsow are two great examples for games that have made it by serving the community.

    That is indeed our goal (y) We have valued community involvement from the start.

    The main thing holding up an early release/beta program is that we've been wanting to improve the netcode first (moving from sockets to ENet to allow NAT punchthrough and fixing desync issues). This has gotten off to a slow start, but we'll get there.


  3. Sorry to hear that (y) I'm out of ideas, but there's always google. Here's a report of similar trouble, but no solution.

    Looks like you'll have to try driver updates and/or waiting for new drivers/a patch to Vista's graphics (that's way too new and ground-breaking for there not to be any bugs).

  4. hm. I know the game uses 256 colors, so it might help if you set the desktop color depth to 8-bit. Unfortunately that no longer appears possible, even on XP. Maybe you could use something like Powerstrip?

  5. WOW! It's like driving in GTA (y)

    I especially love the comment at the end that apparently shows these poor soldiers to be near the breaking point :/

    But then, I'll agree with scipio_africanus, except maybe trim down the year estimate to 110 years. BTW, the remembrances of "Old Gimlet Eye" (at that point, the most decorated Marine ever) are definitely worth looking in to.

  6. Lordy, that's awesome (y) Very impressive when compared against other indoor/outdoor FPS engines.

    However, I get the impression that their normal mapping (or what is that) is quite overdone - very bumpy surfaces, and everything ends up looking a bit like "plastic" again. Is that (non-artistic programmer's) impression accurate?

  7. Hello Franco,

    congratulations on getting rid of MS - I'm trying, but haven't yet kicked the Visual-Studio habit, heh.

    Thanks for your interest in being a part of 0 A.D.! Circumstances do look difficult, though - it's definitely understandable that a job keeps you busy. I find that since starting work, I haven't been able to do any serious coding - only smaller fixes and management work. We've noticed over the years that anything less than say a 3h block every two days, plus half an hour a day to keep track of the forum, just isn't productive for programming (hence, 10..15h a week at minimum).

    Do you see that differently? In what direction would you be looking to contribute?

  8. This is unfortunately impossible to say with any certainty. For example, a recent 'harmless' compiler upgrade has caused no end of trouble and thrown us back about 10 days (spent scratching heads and working around the issues). Were we a commercial shop with a fixed deadline (e.g. Christmas), features would be axed and the whip cracked after such an event. However, since we don't want to compromise the 0ad vision, the answer will remain: when it's done :)

  9. Visual Assist - fixes Intellisense for VC (this is indispensable :) )

    JetTask - quite decent TODO list/calender with reminder feature. Definitely helps organizing time, which is important in serious crunch mode (-> last few weeks of thesis :) ).

    SysInternals DebugView (allows viewing OutputDebugString output without full-on debugging, which would be much slower).

    7-zip for archiving (free, better compression than WinZip, non-broken multithreaded compress unlike WinRAR).

    HTH :)

  10. Sweet! It's nice to see an overflight of more complex / non-barebones test terrains B) Should be quite impressive to behold, especially if one has only seen screenshots so far!

    Props to Andrew for the operational cinematic camera and to Christoph for the sweet maps and putting this together :shrug:

    It is a bit laggy at times, though - is that because your system can't quite write the video in real time? What are the specs?

  11. Howdy!

    do you feel like asking these questions after 3+ years of announcing your project is rude and or annoying?

    Rude: nah, annoying: a little. Each "are we there yet?" causes the trip to take a little longer because the drivers are thus distracted.

    We do also have news and even an SVN commit ticker for exactly the purpose of keeping ya'll informed as to what is happening.

    The facts are thus: 1) this game WILL be completed 2) available time of programmers varies so wildly that scheduling is basically guesswork 3) work continues!

    Unfortunately I can't make a reasoned statement as to when what happens, so I guess we can indeed leave it at "it's done when it's done", and checking back once in a while shows the progress that has happened since then.

    Off the top of my head, I am not sure what all is new over the past 6 months, but the executive summary is that the game is currently mostly 'playable' (you can send people around, build stuff, attack, etc.) in sandbox mode for the Celt and Greek civs (albeit without most sound effects).

  12. The link works, but appears to be access-controlled. Here's the relevant text:


    Haha why is housekeeping logged too?

    "revision: 3738

    author: jan

    date: 2006-04-09



    That's not literal 'housekeeping' as in dusting the floor and vacuuming the walls or whatever people do around their homes - it's just tidying up the game's code for cleanliness and consistency . (The full log has more technical details as to exactly what was changed, but the publicly-visible version just has that summarised description.)

    Thanks for answering this, Philip.

  13. Ah, very cool. That would do it :)

    5?! wow, that's early. I eventually read my way through the WW2 history bookshelf in the school library, but that wasn't until 13 or so.

    Obviously through your dad I'm sure you've gotten the chance to sit in a Leopard or two, or even a T-72

    T-72, yes (albeit in a museum, where they show one basically cut in half). The best thing was being passenger in an MLRS (the project my dad was working on before that) driving through rough terrain. Whee!

    although the Centurion next to it was a bit more to my liking (unfortunately I couldn't affoard that much gas).

    heh. Modern tanks have actually gotten worse in that regard than WW2! M1 guzzles 2 gallons per mile, while PzKw V (Panther) needed about 1.3, I think.

    In addition they have a T-34 that fought at Kursk and all the way to Berlin. Must say that was the brutest machine I have ever seen in my life

    Nice. Yep, impressive tank for its time.

  14. Ah, he's employed by the government (office of military technology and procurement). The weird thing is: this office decides what research to pursue, the task goes to one of the (mostly goverment financed) research institutes, they produce a workable approach/prototype, and then *give* it to a company that then finishes/builds it.

    Sounded quite strange to me initially, but this seems to be standard.

    How did your interest in the military develop?

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