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Everything posted by screab
Pretty hard to do this since the light version doesn't contain anything about barracks. How could I get the files for the mod ? As mentioned, the page of the mod has a link but I don't seem to have permissions to download the files.
So I managed to get the light version of the mod but I can't find anything in there related to what I want. Maybe can you specify the exact technology you were referring to ?
I found this link https://wildfiregames.com/forum/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20120 but I get this error Sorry, there is a problem The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. Error code: 2C171/1
I found that I can sort of duplicate the BuffHeal in GarrisonHolder.js but this method looks like it was created just for healing. Can anyone explain to me what these timers are and how can I use them ? GarrisonHolder.prototype.OnValueModification = function(msg) { if (msg.component != "GarrisonHolder" || msg.valueNames.indexOf("GarrisonHolder/BuffHeal") == -1 || msg.valueNames.indexOf("GarrisonHolder/BuffXp") == -1) return; if (this.timer && this.GetHealRate() == 0) { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); cmpTimer.CancelTimer(this.timer); this.timer = undefined; } else if (!this.timer && this.GetHealRate() > 0) { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); this.timer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_GarrisonHolder, "HealTimeout", 1000, {}); } }; Can I use the timer or should I create a new one for training units ?
Hello, I am trying to make a technology that will increase a unit's xp over time if stationed in a building. I've looked at heal_barracks.json but I can't find a suitable modification. I see that for life there is "modifications": [{"value": "GarrisonHolder/BuffHeal", "add": 1}], but how do I create something like "modifications": [{"value": "GarrisonHolder/BuffXp", "add": 1}], Thank you for your help
Can't anyone point me in the wright direction ?
Apperently I had to give it the Domestic class <Identity> <Classes datatype="tokens">Domestic</Classes> </Identity> Now I can kill the bear, gather food from it's corpse and basically treat it like a pig. But one thing bothers me, after killing it, the bear doesn't turn into a corpse or something but remains the same. Do the bears lack some art here or is this a bug caused by me modding it to be domestic ?
What does this code do from line 65 of https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Armour.js#L46 strength = +this.template[type];
Hello, I am trying to train bears from barracks so I can train my soldiers. The problem is that all the bears trained don't attack and don't take damage. I tried to find differences between bears and pigs but I can't find the ones that would help me. Can you give me some advice on this ? I could copy the pigs and use a bear's visual actor for it but I don't know if this is the way to do it ... Thanks
Hello, I can't really understand how does armor works. Can anyone explain to me the mechanics behind damage/armor so I can adjust my armor levels in a realistic way ? Thank you
As I see it, some units already can use ranged and melee attack. I don't understand why I can't specify some sort of actor/visual motion for each type of attack.
Hello, I would like to make the AI upgrade a unit to another one if the unit is attacked by archers. Can this be done ? If so, where should I look ?
I just managed to make the unit upgradable by investing resources but I can't seem to make the promotions work. What are the rules for an advanced unit xml file ? From what I see I need only to make it's parent the unit I want to upgrade, is this true ?
Hello, I would like to make the female citizens upgrade to a priestess just as a soldier upgrades his rank when he gains xp. Can anyone explain to me the mechanics of unit upgrading ? Thanks
Can you be a little more specific ?
Hello, I would like to be able to train more than one heroes. How could one do that ? Thanks for your answers
Hello, After I successfully modified some units and structures to produce those units I now want to create an archer that will switch to melee weapons when in close proximity to an enemy unit. I find it more realistic for an archer to be able to draw a knife/sword and defend himself instead of shooting 20 arrows at a guy sitting right in front of him. I tried adding the Melee settings under the attack tag for an archer but when he uses the melee attack he looks like standing still. If I add the Ranged settings under the attack tag for a swordsman I get an error about not being able to load the entity because it has extra tag in attack ( basically it tells me I should remove the Melee tag ). My question is how can I create such an unit ? I believe I have to copy something from the motions and arts of both basic units ( swordsman and archer ) but where and what should I modify ? Thanks for you help