I am well aware that the game developers owe us nothing. However, it is wrong to start a project and then purposely get people's hopes up saying "soon", "soon", "soon", then year after year after year goes by, and no end comes to site. In this case, developers are better off not even announcing or hinting the project until a good 2-3 years into development. This game has been under development for I think 7 years now? At the 7 year mark, you'd think the developers could give us a rough estimate for release time, even if the project is not being funded. For those of you who might not know, Rise & Fall can no longer be played online. Everytime my brother and I try, it says "a general networking error has occured". It has not been the most pleasant experience knowing that while Rise & Fall is gone, 0AD is not there to turn to. =/