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Everything posted by OuGaming

  1. I think it is better to make a clan system now to help new players to get into the game. Also I would recommend making a Discord server as early as possible to prevent having many small servers without rules.
  2. 22Alpha name Vista 23Alpha Windows ^^ than we have the badest operating software.... My truer suggestion: Viva/vivere=to live --> the projekt live
  3. The 0Ad Mp #003 was my Video...how can u find them I have only 21 subs...I am happy anybody watched my Video yeah
  4. Hello 0AD Community Please don't judge me for my English. I know it is very bad. What bothers me is that there is no real meeting point for 0Ad players on the Internet. I know that there is the IR chat, but most time it is unused and you can only chat there. Another point of criticism is that there are no clans or guilds. The last thing, I wish there was, is that you can select 0AD as a game on Twitch. I am willing to help to help with a few points. I could, for example, make a Discord server and give the rights on that server to someone from your team. (I could also look after a server with German as main language, because it is my native tongue.) Discord is completely free. You could put a link to that server on the start screen. With the other things I cannot help, as I am not a good programmer. Yours sincerely, OU-Gaming/Chris.
  5. Wenn ihr bock habt kann ich auch den Link zum Discord server schicken dann kann man sich auch besser auf matches verabreden....
  6. Hallo, Ich hätte Interesse und such auch nach Mitspielern oder einem Deutschen 0AD clan....da es leider keine Deutsche Coummunity gibt war meine Suche vergeblich. Ich würde dir ja gernen meine Discord Server schicken weis aber nicht ob das erlaubt ist.... mfg Chris
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