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Posts posted by RomuloSinRemo

  1. kush actually is one of the worst civs of 0ad (is not the worst). First: they have archers phase 1, that is very bad because archers is the weakest of the 3 ranged citizen-soldiers of 0ad (slingers, skimishr and archers) Second: the houses are expensive (150 wood 10 pop) instead the britons houses for example (75 wood 5 pop), Third: they lack of siege,elephants are weak even massed they die very very fast, and the last thing imo is the heros of kushites, they are bad compared to other civs , you should try britons or ptolomies (best civs by far). about spartan champs cav: champs in Alpha 23 arent popular,  too expensive and they die fast vs citizen-soldiers. all kind of champs, even elephants (eles sucks). walls are useless and expensive in popular maps like mainland. and spartan have good hero, skimishr phase 1, rams, swordmen (to counter enemy siege), and (if u want to do them) one of the best champs in the game.
    ptolomies for example is the strongest civ because: 1) mercenaries phase 1 from cc and barracks (mercenaries are cheaper and are affected by some techs and hero), 2) free houses = free wood (mercenaries cost 25 food 50 wood 25 metal, if you get almost free wood then mercenaries are very cheap) 3) imo the best 3 heros in the game, cleopatra +attack speed, ele hero mercenaries cheaper (again mercenaries are a problem) and cav hero pikes with more hp and is a sword cav hero (that is op to kill siege, raid or dance). 

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