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Everything posted by JosCanPer

  1. Thanks! Glad you like it. Changed animation, triangulated and added claws. Texture could be easily resized to 128 or 256, now it is 1024x1024 Cheers! eagle.zip
  2. There are a few things I would like to tweak in the animation, but this is how it look so far:
  3. Hello! I would like to start with the modelling of the eagle, could anyone give me some references of the kind of eagle we want? Cheers!
  4. Ok, will do Eagle and Falcon before create the Indian parrot. (I think I will get those quicker) Here is the parrot using texture with alpha though. Also, you can see it here: https://sketchfab.com/models/ed6c4ea1a4464b77a1e14891b897879e Cheers! parrot.zip
  5. Thanks @Lion.Kanzen I guess I can adapt this model to be the Eagle (if it isn't modelled yet) and create a completely different model for the Parrot
  6. Thanks @Yves, good to know we can use alphas, I will make a better version of the texture and share it here again in case someone wants to use it as a base for any other flying animal. Hi @sanderd17, yeah, that sounds like it requires a completely different mesh/texture/animation, my fault, but no worries, I will work on it and post it here when it is done. Thanks for your feedback!
  7. Hello everyone, first time posting here. First of all, congratulations for this marvellous project. Here is my first contribution, hope you like it, it is my first rig/animation in blender though, so probably it needs a lot of tweaking. I would like to see how the wings are renderer in the engine as it may have problems with back-faces shadows at the wings. If you want to see it in real time and with its animations just follow this link: https://sketchfab.com/models/ed6c4ea1a4464b77a1e14891b897879e Regards! EDIT: Can we use alpha for the textures? The wings and tale would look much better with feather shapes :/ parrot.zip
  8. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
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