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Everything posted by AtlasMapper

  1. I finally figured out how to manage the heightmap tool, thanks to your informations. Indeed, it takes some time to create a file that gives correct render results. There are different strategies to achieve this goal. But in the end, it is probably faster to use the heightmap tool : when I draw the map by hand, I start from nothing so I have to draw first the coast. So I can as well draw it on a blank picture file. There are pros and cons, I still need to improve my use of this tool. But I started a new project from this tool (let's continue with the Mediterranean area!) Here is Cyprus: And here is my map, created from the heightmap tool (still an ongoing stuff even with topography only, I need to correct the mess the tool do in some parts of the map, I started to correct it a bit already): The problem is it created a lot of relief/mountains/hills, with still too much depth, so there is almost no place for players on this map! I need to fix it and create a playable and fun map, not only something nice to see/respecting the topographic truth. Will be done after the Crete map will be completed.
  2. @sanderd17: Oh I see. Is there any prerequisites about the image (size, resolution, grayscale depth..) ?And is the white interpreted as the highest or lowest point ? It should be nice to post these informations on the Atlas Wiki page too. Even if the tool is quite rudimentary, it is always nice to inform potential users they could use it. It might inspire some more mappers too. That's a pity about the missing settings. Let's say I have a 8 bits grayscale image, with 0 interpreted as the lowest Z point, and 255 interpreted as the highest Z point. If I follow you the heightmap tool will draw a map with insane depth on the Z axis, especially because after a recent update, the maximum depth has been increased. So we need to finely tune the min and max grey values, and the overall contrast of the image in order to find the proper depth on the map. That would be amazing if we could have a "factorize" option that would scale the max and min values acording to a specified factor. Do you have any idea if it is possible to implement easily ? Anyway, I'll take a try on the heightmap tool on my next project. I might have a nice surprise. @heyalex: That's good to hear, thank you. You could also start to familiarize with scripting on the other map I recently uploaded (see https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20547-new-scenario-map-malta-island/#comment-314128), you can download the scenario map from there. I described on that post what I had in mind about scripting, and controlling the events of the scenario. Your help is welcome!
  3. Thanks. I draw it by hand, that's why it takes me some time. Actualy, I have no idea what the heightmap tool is, I saw it in the Atlas tools, by I wasn't able to find any information about how to use it. All I am expecting now is that I didn't wasted my time by doing it by hand if a nice tool was able ! Anyway, the map is almost done now (the hardest work is behind me). I'm working on another scenario, to try to manage the scripting problem. I guess I will have some help with it soon. I always have fast answers I think the community is very active! So I hope I'll be able to create good scenario from this map too. And in the end, the idea of creating a campaign is really stimulating. Let's see if some other like the idea. Thanks for your feedback!
  4. @mimo: Ok, thank you for this information, I'll try to review different lag/crash problems, and aggregate them. I'll have a look on the bug tracker.
  5. Hey guys, Here is a teaser on another map I have been working on since a few time. Crete Island. This should be nice for 4 players. Here is Crete: And here is my ongoing map: As usual, I tried to do my best to respect the topography, with exact coast drawing, hills/mountain position, and even respecting the oceanographic topography. So players can start from Heraklio, Rethymno, Agios Nikolaos, and Chania. Obvioulsy, I need some more work on texturing and stuff. Actually, what I really have in mind is to set up a campaign on the island, based on the history of the Island. Here are the major points of the campaign I have in mind : Sparta, Athen, and Macedonians will start to fight on a first scenario (Crete1) - almost a squirmish mode with these 3 factions - it will correspond to the conquest of Crete Mynoian people by The Greek Roma attacks the Island and fight established factions (Crete 2) - a scenario with a map including fortified Athenians - it will correspond to the attack in 67 AD by Roma. Persians attacks the Island and fight established Romanians camps (Crete3) - a scenario with fortified Romanians structures, much more difficult to conquer than the previous scenario with an appropriate design - it will correspond to the conquest in 400 by the Byzantin empire (they were actualy a mix of tribes, slavs and vandals, but the closest faction available in the game is Persians/Achaemenid faction). So what is required to create a campaign ? Is a succession of scenarios ok ? What are the major problems with campaign and are some campaigns already planned ? Is my project possible and compatible with your objectives ? Looking forward your feedback, thanks!
  6. @sanderd17: thanks! So I can finally post my map, here is the original scenario I plan to develop: I already described the content of the scenario earlier. If you try to play this scenario, here is what I have in mind and what I would like to improve by JS / AI tweaking : So you play Romanian (blue) and the enemies are Athenians (orange) and Carthagians (red). So it is why I would like to put some JS to control the invasion. Here is another comment about the design of the map: I also post a 2 player version of this map, if other players have problems with AI and would like to try to face a single AI bot. This is actually the only version of my scenario I was able to play, and I tested and completed: Looking forward your feedback, I hope you'll have some fun with the map!
  7. It goes a bit off-topic, maybe I should start a new subject about my AI problems ? There should also be a safer/more direct way to report bugs to the dev team ? A19 (release 17298-P), Linux. OpenGL Drivers : 3.0 Mesa 10.1.0; OpenGL 3.0 Mesa 10.1.0 Video Mode : 1280x1024:24 I modified the map according to more accurate oceanographic topographic informations (I tried to do my best). So far I tested a modification of my scenario with 1 AI, and I succeeded (I won the scenario). That was really fun even if it probably requires some little adjustments and balance, but as my goal is to create a 2AI scenario, so these adjustments are useless. I also created a skirmish from that map for testing purposes. My .zip files are ready to post, but I still can't upload my map yet. I would love to have some feedback, especially to have some advises and help on the JS part, I'll explain what I have in mind and what help I need when I will be able to post the scenario and when other player can try the map. I can only post 0.16MB attachment, when this counter will be reset ?
  8. Thanks! I'm using A19, and I experience lag/crashes and any map (including non naval maps) since they contain more than 1 AI petra bot. Of course I might remove one AI/player on my scenario (I think I will, at least for testing purposes), but that will be less fun.
  9. Roma troups attacking gozo island, start of the scenario: The blue lagoon area:
  10. Ok guys, thank you for your very fast answer. I finally found out how to use my map. The problem was I didn't set up anything in the "name" field of Atlas. So the name was blank, not listed, and the "filename" is different from the name of the file as you said niektb. It was the origin of my troubles. I tried to play the map but as it contains more than 1 AI bot, the game lag and finally freeze after a while. I have the same problem with any other map with more than a single AI. I can "simulate" the scenario using Atlas, probably because there is no active AI in Atlas (if I am right ?), so I can't test it for now, until the lag problem will be corrected. Can you guys play maps with more than 1 AI on your systems ? If so, I would be pleased that you test my map. You surely could help me to improve it. About the screenshot, it seems to be unlocked as I posted my first message. Here are some teasers : Here is malta Island : And here is my map : I'll post other screenshots if I do land major updates, but I need to focus on scenario more. I tried to respect the topography of the island as much as I could. The scenario game is as follow : some romans troups invade the island from the north (gozo), then cross the blue lagoon bay (take a look at this beautiful place : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Blue_Lagoon.jpg) then eventually conquer the malta island, already colonized by greek and carthagian villagers (there was phenician between 200 BC and 300 AD but no phenicians yet in the game). I would like to add some triggers, depending on how will react the AI, and as player progress through the island. I hope you'll enjoy it, when I'll be able to upload the scenario. I hope it could fit your quality expectations for this game too. Thank you for the JS example, I haven't noticed there was an example in this page (treasure_islands.js). I'll try to set some script from this. How can you define or see the name of each objects inserted on the map (like object properties) to define triggers from specified units/ressources or even animals ? Looking forward your feedback, Thanks for the infos guys.
  11. Hello, I created a scenario map based on malta island topography and inspired from the island's history. But I have to face many issues: I can't play my scenario map in 0AD. I know I need to copy my .xml and .ppm created files in a folder in the "main" binaries folder, or alternatively in the "mod" folder. I tried to copy my files everywhere based on informations from this forum, but I am still unable to find and play my new map in 0AD. I just would like to select it in single player mode to test it easily. When creating a map using Atlas, the file is listed in the Atlas file browser (atlas -> open file). Is it possible for you to set the path of newly created maps in the same folder than the default map ? It would help a lot. Also, could you give updated information about how to play created maps ? Obviously, I would like to test it and balance the available units/resources on the map before a real submission on this forum. I tried to upload some screenshot of my map, but new forum accounts seems to be limited in attaching files. A 5MB limit is indicated on my account, but I can't even upload a 300KB single file. So I can't show you my WIP. No need to mention I can't upload a .zip file of my map. I would also like to add some JS to create a real scenario. Do you have any examples of scripts used in scenarios to generate triggers and control the AI while player progresses ? Thank you for your help and informations.
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