Hi there, i have been playing this game for a while now, since alpha 16 or 17, and since the new update I feel like some civilizations are too weak, so i have a few small and simple suggestions of some changes which would balance things out a bit. First, Persians. Persians have many advantages such as a +25% trade income boost for the team, furthermore they have a really nice champion, the Persian immortal. However it has a HUGE disadvantage, which just makes this civ not viable for competitive players as you can only build ONE apanda, which is where you can spawn the immortals. This is really bad because you can not do "single man batch training" like you can do with every other civ. If you change that value so you can build as many as the Spartan Military mess hall, then you will see a decent amount of people using them. Ptolemies Ptolemies have some really unique attributes, for example they are the only civ which has free houses, furthermore they are the only ones which have a lighthouse. However their attacking forces are terrible. Their archers, which are basically the same as the mauryan archers cost more because they cost metal, they have slingers which are decent, however many civs have these, and they are just normal infantry, and to make it even worse, they only have ONE champion. This would be OK if the champion was unique and decent, however the champion is just a normal melee cavalry champion. I suggest that you buff this champion a bit, maybe if you gave it some crush damage, or you increased its armour, or if you could add an upgrade which increases the health and the attack. Then it might be viable, however at the moment no one is using Ptolemies. Other civs need a bit of balancing, such as Seleucids and Cartathenians, however their changes would be a bit more complicated.