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Everything posted by Amarildo

  1. Hello, I'm running Arch Linux with hardened GRSec Kernel, with softmode set to 0. Whenever I try to start the game it simply "bugs" and tells me that JavaScript is out of memory. If "kernel.pax.softmode" is set to "1" then the game runs normally because all mitigations are off. Here's an image for reference: https://i.imgur.com/Siiukcs.png I set up Pax exceptions for all the files related to 0ad that I could find, including: /usr/bin/0ad /usr/lib/0ad/* /usr/lib64/0ad/* /usr/share/0ad/* Note: "*" means all the files in those folders are set with "pemrs" exceptions, which means all mitigations are off for them, with the following command: Obviously there must be other files that are not executing properly, so here I am asking if that is actually the case and if so, where I can find these files. Here is the Terminal log: Regards, Amarildo EDIT: Looking at the file list for 0ad I noticed there is a "pyrogenesis" file I didn't flag for exception. I flagged it with "PEmRS" and now the game works fine!
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