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Everything posted by hikerbt

  1. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS uses the wayland whereas x11 was used before. Type in a terminal window echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE to verify it is wayland which has this bug. To fix the problem logout and before logging in click the settings button and select ubuntu on xorg and then log in and use echo command to verify your using x11. I have not tried this but if you: sudo vim /etc/gdm3/custom.conf enter password find #WaylandEnable=false (and then delete #) :wq reboot should also fix problem
  2. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS uses the wayland whereas x11 was used before. Type in a terminal window echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE to verify it is wayland which has this bug. To fix the problem logout and before logging in click the settings button and select ubuntu on xorg and then log in and use echo command to verify your using x11.
  3. Thanks, I found a map that took longer to load and see what you mean, The art work is enjoyable to look at on the loading screen. Some games have a check box if you don't want to wait at the loading screen, Glad your looking into something, although reading the ticket I now know what looks like a simple solution is never that simple and causes other problems. Just like to say I enjoy just running a city and being able to continue when I win a game is one of the best parts you added that other games don't have. Bill
  4. First as a new user I thank all for a great game, still get defeated 3 out of 4 times but enjoying. I installed build Feb 19, 2014 14386 release on Ubuntu 14.04 lts, both on HP laptop and Desktop. When I start a game there is a window that pops up for less than a second, most the time I can't even tell what it is, but some times I see its a tip of the day or some type of suggestion/help window. Is their a way to make it stay longer or should it even be their? Thanks
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