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  1. The ticket is created with a patch: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2859 I tested it in Linux and and doesn't seem to break anything. I haven't dug in to the tests to see if there is one to test that sprintf.js is functioning correctly, but they all pass. If there isn't a test I probably should have created one, but maybe I can handle that when I have more time.
  2. Thanks everyone for the replies. I look forward to helping out where I can. I am actually glad to know the project will be moving to Git, I quite like it! One idea regarding storing the Win32 executables in Git would be to use submodules (http://git-scm.com/docs/git-submodule). I would recommend if that approach is taken that the source repo actually be the submodule of the binaries so that developers wanting only code, or on other operating systems don't have to pull in the Win32 executables. Then people wanting to pull in the exe's would just clone the binary repo and would get everything. I am finishing up a project right now for a client, and will put in some time this weekend on the rest of your comments. Thanks again, Shane
  3. I am pretty much brand new to the game, only found it a few days ago. My name is Shane, and I also registered on trac, but with the username: Shane. I guess it was taken already in the forum. I am a software developer, mostly business application development, with a pretty heavy background in image processing, OCR, business process automation, etc. Lately I have been heavily involved in quite a few large web applications, and have extensive Linux desktop and server experience. I have done a very small amount of video game programming, with a little bit of Android game development mixed in. Taught a small group of teens an intro to programming class at a Boys and Girls club, and used LibGDX as the platform. I will admit that I am a bit rusty in C and C++, but they where my first real programming languages learnt back around 1989-1990 right after teaching myself Basic and QBasic. I started pretty young, wrote my first program in Basic around 1988 at 10 years old to help my Grandmother and I store our family history research information. Back then there wasn't any software that we could find / afford that would help us store our research in a source first fashion, and would allow us to store unconfirmed information gathered while researching our genealogy. I have worked as a freelance / self employed software developer since 2007, and work from home. I am heavily involved in local Chamber of Commerce activities, and am currently a member of the Chamber Ambassador Committee. I didn't mean to ramble on, but wanted to give you all a bit of my background. I am loving the game so far, and hope to learn enough about it to start digging into some of the issues in the trac queue in the near future. Some questions I have: 1. I notice there are some Git related tickets queued for A18. Is there a plan to migrate away from svn to Git? 2. What areas of expertise are most lacking from the development / support team? 3. Is there any tracking of 3rd party tools used to ensure they stay up to date? (Example: I see the file binares/data/mods/mod/globalscripts/sprintf.js that seems to be used for internationalization. It doesn't appear that any changes to Alexei's sprintf.js since 2010 have been implemented, and in particular there was a change in May of this year that increased the performance by 20%. See: https://github.com/alexei/sprintf.js/issues/6) Well, I will stop there for now, and I look forward to helping out where I can.
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