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Everything posted by Queshnaba

  1. Very well I will dig back into Curtius Rufus, Petrarch and others for quotes on this matter later in the day when I have a bit more time.
  2. Wow just saw these posts after the exam. No I am not crazy. During its height the Seleucid Empire either did not use natives or they were local supplements not really part of the main army. Antiochus IV for example the last great Seleucid king used only Greeks/Macedonians as did Seleucus himself (I am unaware of Atiochus III compostion but based on the dates you provided of the native troop usage would have been from his reign and I think I know why). Antiochus III fought and lost against the Romans and tried to gain numerical superiority over them in order to try and win after the supply of new Greek/Macedonian troops was damaged (although he could still recuit from his own Greek enclaves and likely already had mercenaries from prior to Philip V losing to Rome). Thus he would have likely saught adding local forces or mecenaries to compliment his main force (which would have still been Greek/Macedonian). Based on what I know as well they were only really present in large numbers at two battles: The Battle of Raphia, and the Battle of Magnesia (which is the one against the Romans he wanted superiority in). Thus in my personal opinion based on what I know 2 battles and a parade under 1/3 great Seleucid kings would not be enough to justify a large place on their faction roster but make sense as perhaps a cheaper alternative available at the colony or something (the mercenary/native troops were also blamed for the defeat of Antiochus III in both of those battles). I just wanted to clear the air on this matter and apologize for disturbing the peace but I feel like this historical issue must be adressed.
  3. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to for some time. It is currently exam week and I am currently working on a mod for a game. After both are completed I may be able to provide extensive help but at the moment I cannot. I will probably be able to provide some references at least in a couple weeks maybe a little sooner. I in the meentime will probably leave a few suggestions on the forum (Such as Pontus, Thrace, Garamatia, Axum, Nabatea, and Armenia) for the sake of keeping a flow of ideas going.
  4. Hmmm alright. Some mercenary divisions make sense. My only complaint then would be that it is most of the roster when mercenaries outside of the imported troops were usually compliments rather than the main force. I also noticed Cretans were mentioned. They would probably serve better as the standard ranged unit since the Seleucids would have trusted them more being Greek and also they were known for their archers (unless the sources he was reading said otherwise). One other side little note from that forum part of me has to say is "Well, the Seleucids were the ONLY of the Diadochi kingdoms to successfully resist Roman invasion." actually isn't true. The Romans beat Antiochus III pretty badly. They simply chose not to invade because they were busy with other matters. When they returned in 63 BC all that was left was Antioch and a disputed succession so they just took it and made it a Roman province. Thank you fo the forum link though now it makes more sense why their roster is set up like it is. Also thank you for the welcome.
  5. Sorry to bother everyone here but I have a qauestion because something in the game I noticed bothered me. Is this game suppose to be historically accurate or only pretend to be history like AOE? I only ask because the if the goal is accuracy the Seleucid Roster is wrong. It employs native units of Seleucid held territories which is something they would have never done (training or using native troops was seen as dangerous and beneath Greeks at the time). Furthermore the Successor Kingdoms did not integrate with native cultures. They simply dominated them via key enclaves throughout their empires (with the exception of Macedon of course since it was the same group of people). A key example of this was the city of Alexandria which was completely Greek and Macedonian and no native Egyptians were allowed inside unless they were making an extremely vital visit to the Pharoah and even then couldn't stay. The Successor Kingdoms for military purposes imported Greek and Macedonian soldiers from Europe which is part of the reason why their position was fragile.The one historical instance to which I am aware that natives were trained to fight was in Ptolemaic Egypt and that ended in disaster with a massive revolt simply reinforcing the old idea of soldier importation. Sorry for the rant I just was curious and being a history major in college it bothered me (when I downloaded the game I thought it was trying to be an accurate version of AOE).
  6. Hello everyone I have recently (within the past month) I started playing 0 A.D. but felt like some factions were missing. I had also looked around for what they planned as future factions and did not see these missing factions and figured I would start this thread to see what all of you think. One is the Greek Polis of Rhodes. This was the only Greek state that I am aware of that actually managed to repel Alexander the Great and are known for their architecture. Another is the Successor state of Pontus. The third being the Kingdom of Armenia. Do you feel they would be welcome additions and should not be forgotten? On a side note. does anybody know if they are going to add the silver shield legionaries to the Seleucid roster?
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