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Posts posted by chaosislife13

  1. Me too, thx for the links Dan. The first is the most useful as I don't do graphic or modelling work.

    Edit: found (an) answer, I copied the entirety of the public.zip over to my mod folder.

  2. On sylepsis (anyone else have the urge to call it syphyllis?), main release not the SVN, could someone refresh my memory on how in the hell I get a mod to enable? I copied the entire public folder over (because i intend to make lots of changes and removals and it's just easier than going back and forth) as well as the mod.json that's modified to describe the mod. The mod shows up in the manager, but when I enable it and then disable the orginal game and press 'start mods' it just flashes right back to the manager. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

  3. Siege weapons are capturable, and they are units. Which files are you modifying and how?

    As far as I've been told siege weapons are handled as buildings by the engine so they use building ai, not unit ai. As for the files I was copying the

      <Capturable>    <CapturePoints>500</CapturePoints>    <RegenRate>5</RegenRate>  </Capturable>

    directly into the unit template.

    And some units (like heroes, or any units in the immediate vicinity of a friendly hero) shouldn't ever surrender. Probably ties in to the concept of a morale system.

    Makes sense for those, although it might be good if they convert dependent upon how much gold the player has to pay them with.

    This would most likely require modification of the UnitAI component. And as the 'wandering' would require use of the pathfinder, it would more likely make performance worse.

    Either I'm not understanding what you mean, or this would cause confusion from players ("Why have my gatherers stopped gathering and are now wandering off?")

    pretty much exactly what you said at the bottom, i want them to drop off their goods, and back away from the drop site if they're not going back out to gather, or if there's too many gatherers at the resource already. They should not just stand in the way of everyone else.

    To be "skittish" means they run away when being attacked or an enemy unit gets too close (rather than standing their ground or attacking).

    I do sort of like this idea, although as idle gatherers tend to collect around their last drop-off point, they'd have to wander a fair distance to provide useful LOS. That said, having idle gatherers move a short distance away from said drop-site so other gatherers still gathering can get to it would help prevent congestion.

    Just my two pence/cents/whatever.

  4. I pirate games occasionally (I really only play a few select games for years on end tho, my oldest fave is from 98) now that I can't rent them to see if they're worth getting, sadly none of them have been worth getting. GTA 4 was only fun for the parts where I'd drive niko into a rail at high speed to see him go flying out the window. Much like Skyrim, nearly everyone you'd really really like to kill is immortal. Oh and I'll do it if I find out that the game I just bought can only be installed on one of my systems so in order to put it on the lappy I'd have to buy another copy and that's just a rip off. Tho I'm toying with the idea of making a portable linux system with windows installed virtually so I can do W/E and not worry about it any more.

  5. I really like the captureable buildings, but I'd also like to be able to make the women and other non-coms capturable, I've tried adding the capture points lines, but it doesn't seem to work for units. I'd also like to try a turncoat/surrender bit out with the combat units where they can be captured if they're either low in health or heavily outnumbered. I know you don't want units captured in the main game because then they could possibly build buildings of other cultures, but I've already got that with the buildings on my side.

    Another thing I'd like support for is wandering for regular units. Again, I've tried using the lines from the deer but failure ensues. i think this would help out a bit with lag as they could drop off resources, then immediately wander a bit then stop for a few minutes. Also making them skittish like deer could be cool, as idle units could spread out and give me LOS while I'm 'too darn busy dying a hell of a lot over here!' to reassign them.

  6. Either way yall go about it, i think palisades and walls should be arrow-proof. True, palisades are made out of wood, so it would seem logical to conclude that a flaming arrow could harm them, but despite how they might look in-game, a palisade is not a simple four foot high wooden fence, they're like 12 or more foot high and made out of entire trees. the only way a flaming arrow should be able to take down a palisade is if they somehow managed to soak the entire thing in oil, otherwise the arrows would just burn themselves out before they could take unless they fired hundreds of thousands of arrows at them at once, which is unrealistic. Also, being that they're (hopefully, some people are absurdly stupid after all) made of untreated wood due to the simple fact that treating them would involve soaking them in oil given the tech level then, and the fact that they're outside, they'll absorb moisture making it even harder to light them on fire. The balance factor to that tho is that since they're untreated, they'll eventually rot away, but regular maintenance would take care of that if they weren't intended to be temporary anyhow. That can be handled by setting them to a very slow decay rate no matter where they are which isn't a bad idea for other wooden objects either as the way we presently have the decay set up doesn't make a lot of sense. Why would something magickally fall apart just cuz it's a foot outside my present territory boundaries?

    As for defending a wall with defense towers, ummm, it's not really possible with the way the game is set up right now, two fully garrisoned towers even with all their techs done, can't defend a wall from an attacking force because they can't be built close enough to each other to cover the entire area. Also towers don't divide their attacks over a range of enemies, they just fire all arrows at one unit at a time. I also don't know just how they choose their targets, it could be random, it could be that they go in order of who is nearest, they might go by order of attack, but they don't seem to be targeting units with the lowest hp, nor are they targeting ones with the highest threat to them and certainly not to the walls. if they concentrated on the low HP units they might be able to take out enough units fast enough to prevent complete destruction, and if they targeted the highest threats then they'd be able to hopefully be left with a group of units that can't really damage much. I'd suggest one or the other, cuz trying to have every tower and every unit constantly reprioritizing units would prolly brick the game.

  7. Can we make it a feature? Like the animals now count as enemies and will start to actively hunt you? And wolves will hunt the deer and the goats and the idiot gatherers and breed more and more wolves and wolf packs will ravage your tiny lil village devouring women and children? That last bit will work great with the upgraded models, you can watch as your poor terrified civilians are torn apart by gaia, who has decided to stop putting up with your abuse. :lol2:

  8. Did yall change something to make the game remember my last game choices? That was something I'd been thinking about cuz it gets annoying having to re-setup everything but I don't think I actually requested it......and the game seems to be doing it now after the last svn update I did. Thx for not taking over the world with your psychic powers I guess.

  9. There's a question tho, is the pathfinder presently set up to check and recheck a given units path on a timer of some sort? was just thinking that other games take shortcuts with theirs, for instance seven kingdoms units only update their planned path when they either hit something, or when they've reached a check point along the path. Essentially they don't ask for directions until they've reached the end of the dead end road in the middle of no where. Players often have to correct the paths of units that need to get out of danger right this instant cuz otherwise, they'll bounce off the guy in front of them recheck the path, and walk right into the line of fire trying to get to the objective. It's a pain, but not so much of a pain as having the game slow to a crawl.

  10. if you can manage editing files, preferably as a mod to avoid issues, you can double the obstruction radius of the trees by pasting this modified bit from it's parent into template_gaia_flora_tree.xml.


    <Unit radius="3.0"/>
    </Obstruction>" Minus the quotes of course.

    You can also try increasing the drop-off range of the gatherers in hope that they won't get stuck around a dropsite by editing the max distance tag in the template_unit.xml

    If you're really desperate and you don't mind funny unit movements you can change the block movement tag in template_unit.xml's obstruction portion to false. This will cause units to all stand right on top of each other, making for an odd show. But they'll no longer have to pathfind around each other, and they won't get stuck at drop-sites ever again.

  11. ya, but you have to do it in that order or it doesn't work, it's (x) to disable, then save configuration, then load mod. But since I didn't WANT to load the mo but UN-load the mod........... Also the (X) should prolly read disable.

    I"m not really understanding these errors, from the first glance I thought there was an issue with the tree template, but the changes there are minor and non-breaky unless it doesn't allow ANY change to an original file. then I noticed that it's not loading any other template either, literally, none of them, every template has an error and i certainly didn't edit every template.

    Ok, got it, it wasn't somthing i had changed, it was something the devs changed that I had an old copy of, likely cuz it gets to be a pain having to go over to the original copy a file over then edit it and just hope that i didn't just modify the original instead, since they have the same name and setting the originals to read only doesn't seem to work.

  12. It's mine and I tried that, the enable button doesn't change from enable to disable, honestly it doesn't do anything, the only thing I can think of is to delete the mod listing, then try to start the game, but that doesn't work either, if I reboot it using start mods the mod returns and is used, if I don't do that and just go to the regular screen to play, the civs I removed are still removed so its clearly still using my mod.

  13. I'm working with the SVN version, and the newest update brought a crapton of js errors and unplayability, normally it's just a matter of report and wait, but I don't know if it's an issue with my side or the devs. I've been trying to just turn the mod off, so it doesn't load the mod or use it, but still recognizes it's existence, but i can't get that to happen.

  14. Idk, from the looks of it, despite having similar goals their project is veeeeery different from 0ad, for instance, 0ad is 3-d and that is 2-d or perhaps 2.5-d at best. Anything that could be shared between the two, the 0ad team has already figured out, so it'd mostly just be them learning from 0ad's work. Which is fine, and I'm sure the team will give em a hand.

  15. Aye, that sounds promising, one of the reasons you get so many problems with folks like these is that banning them just angers them, and then they make 15 other accounts. Blocking of some sort on the other hand......

  16. Ummm, guys, I'm pretty sure, tho i haven't read all the posts other than the first few, that the upgrade they're talking about here doesn't refer to the civ-sols upgrades.They're talking about making all of the unit models in the game higher poly, not incredibly high poly but still.

  17. i know yall don't think the graphical upgrade will affect performance much, but do you think maybe you could set it up so the upgraded models are only used if a general graphics setting is set to medium or high? Thing is, I already don't like 300 unit limits even tho my game lags like mad at 100, so absolutely anything that would take a bit off of that helps.

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