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klod last won the day on June 24 2016

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  1. klod

    Formation freeze

    I think I told them to move, and then clicked a formation while they were moving. Edit: Just out of curiosity, when you say there's not much to be done right now, what do you mean? When can it be fixed, what does that depend on?
  2. klod

    Formation freeze

    I'm not sure what you're asking me. I hadn't used formations at all until that point, I just tried it that one time and it froze
  3. A couple of things I've been thinking about: Composite units - One, it can be very hard to double click moving units, it frustrates me all the time, especially during engagements with the enemy. Two, formations don't have to exist for heterogeneous selections of units. Both gameplay-wise and historically, I don't know of any reason why anybody would mix spearmen, archers and cavalry into a single fighting line. My idea is to make formations exclusive to a selection of units of the same type, and when you click a formation, you would automatically turn your selection into a composite unit. You would select the whole group with a single click and the individual units are no longer selectable. To break it, click "no formation". Icons for control groups - I like the fact the control groups are visible and clickable. It's a great idea. It's hard to reach all the numbers with just one hand on the keyboard. I don't really like the way they look, though. Why not make them cuter and easier to use by giving them different icons? If the group is made of units of the same type, put the unit icon on the control group icon. For example, I like to put all of my Civic Centers into one control group, so the group would have the Civic Center icon. I use such groups for all of my buildings, so at least that should be simple enough. If my group is all soldiers, let the icon be some generic soldier-related thing like a helmet icon. Slightly more complicated: If they are all cavalry make the icon some generic horse. same for siege units. Some of the suitable icons are already present in the game. Oddly enough, I wanted to suggest this exact thing But for some reason I thought, "Wait, it would be really stupid if this already exists in the game, better check", and there it is Awesome.
  4. klod

    Formation freeze

    It took me a while to figure out where the replays are and which is the one I'm looking for, but I think I got it 2016-06-26_0001.zip
  5. klod

    Formation freeze

    Oh yeah, I forgot that all replays are saved. I'll do that as soon as I can.
  6. While I played vs AI, I tried to click on a formation while having a large number (~150) of units around the map selected, and all of those units got stuck in place and stopped responding completely. The rest of the units kept working. My FPS also dropped all the way to single digits, but the game didn't crash or freeze, I waited for around 20-30 seconds and then just hit menu and quit normally. If I had to guess, whatever algorithm the formations use isn't good at handling large numbers of units scattered around the map.
  7. I tried this game before, a few years ago, in 2013 or 2014 with a friend, for just a couple of games and gave it up because I didn't like it. Everything felt clunky, units would slide around awkwardly and combat was kind of random and hard to understand. Being an ambitious open-source 3D project and already long in development, I thought it was condemned to eternal stagnation, like GNU Hurd, but I'm amazed by how much progress has been made. Features are still missing and there are issues, but the game is really fun! Keep up the good work!
  8. AoE2 kinda had a problem similar to this. Paladins were the most powerful unit, and many games would eventually come down to outmassing the opponents paladins with yours. Factions that didn't have paladins were at disadvantage in long games, because there was no hard counter for that unit. So, I believe there should be hard counters, and that the game should be balanced in a way that mixing different types of units makes the most effective army, rather than massing one type. I'm completly new to this game, but look at the way cavalry archers were balanced in AoE 2: they're not available early, they are expensive and they were slightly slower than melee cavalry, which made kiting harder. When you look realistically, kiting like that was not possible, because turning the horse around, and then making him run again at full speed is not something you can do in a split second. So maybe it's possible to somehow slow down the "turning speed" of the cavalry units
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