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Posts posted by bouke

  1. The tying of CCs with markets is mostly an artifice because allowing a player to have a ton of markets may be a little gamebreaky but I'd need to check that.

    Why making it difficult with one market per CC?? And not just a minimal distance between markets, like towers have?? This seems to be easier to understand.

  2. Congratulation for finishing A19. It looks great. It's just a shame that it is not yet available for Fedora 23. Anyone know whether is will become available?

    That is depending on the fedora repository, could be tomorrow or it takes month :unknw:

    If you want to play A19 right away: build it from source (that is what I do at F22, need to up...). See http://play0ad.com/download/source/ for the download (and instructions)

  3. The spam filter in the trac seems to be hating me: it rejects almost all posts and I even cannot prove it is not spam with the pictures.

    I understand we don't want spammers in the trac but at the moment it is hurting me. Is there any way to get around the spam filter?

  4. Thanks Lion for showing me the gaps in my mind :fool:

    Slingers should be good vs buildings indeed

    Maceman: weak vs all units (no armor) but good vs buildings. Being living siege.

    Chariot: can trample down all infantry, shoot down ranged cav. but vulnerable to all other cav.

    Elephant: Good vs mellee infantry (stampede) and cav (terror), but easy to kill with any ranged. Also good vs building; another walking siege machine

    Ranged Elephant: having great health, so being able to stand long against vs any mellee. Attack from a long range but slow movement and vulnerable to other ranged.

    Siege ram: stand long to ranged attacks. Good vs building (walls even better). Vulnerable vs mellee and woman. City siege equipment.

    Catapult: good vs building and masses. Have long range to shoot inside towns etc. Hold long vs ranged. Vulnerable to mellee and woman. City siege equipment.

    Bolt shooter: field artillery, to shoot down some incoming units: high attack and medium/long range. Hold long vs ranged But slow movement and Vulnerable to mellee and woman.

    Woman: weak vs everything but siege (Spartan have some bonus). Good at gathering food

    Slaves (converted units -not in game yet-): weak vs everything. Good at mining.

    • Like 1
  5. My ideas about unit roles:

    Sword infantry: basic infantry for Romans; taking missiles from enemy and hold force for enemy's infantry.

    For other civs elite infantry with same role. Do not counter cav!!

    Spear/hoplites: Same role as Roman sword for other civs (taking fire and holding infantry) AND DO counter for cav.

    Pikeman: special hoplite, elite in holding infantry and cav from the front almost without losses. Vulnerable to missiles and flank/back.

    Spear cav: shock/charge force. Good to ride down skirm and charge melee infantry from flanks/back. Too fast to really be hurt by skirm.

    Sword cav: counter for spear cav (good up-close) and good vs buildings. Like city flanking unit. Too fast for skirm but very vulnerable any mellee infantry.

    Ranged cav: basic cav made for the hunt. Using hit and run to kill other cav (fastest cav). Do little damage to infantry too. Countered by any ranged infantry.

    Javelin: pikeman and ranged cav and other skirm killer at close range. Vulnerable to mellee cav. Less good than regular mellee infantry but ok in mellee.

    Archer: like javelin but less attack and long range. So slower killing at longer range. Very vulnerable in mellee.

    Slinger: good versus all infantry at medium range. Very vulnerable in mellee.

  6. 7. Following the "desert your beloved idea"-conclusion mentioning the zone system there is another darling you should kill: that all unmounted units serve as workers. This is a quirky one. I assume that the reasoning behind this is that all workers are female and that the male fighters shall not laze around all day. Joke aside, this mechanic does not turn out very well. Firstly it is a very atypical mechanic, but that does not necessarily mean it is bad. I cannot judge the overall consequences for the meta game either, although I think it promotes early cheap unit spamming. The issue is that player have to allocate fighters and workers alike to work, and as soon as they get attacked, they have to separate fighters from workers. Furthermore, when fight is over, they have to reallocate them to work again. This back and forth is kind of annoying, and games should be fun, not annoyance.

    Personally I like having the soldiers be the same as workers. This distinguish 0ad from other RTS, so this makes 0ad more unique.

    Another thing: your point of the need to put soldiers back to work manually is untrue. There is a "back to work" button near the minimap (something like a wheel). I hope this would make your annoyance smaller.

    Let's have a look at the units. Having played just a few games I cannot say if there is something like a working unit counter scheme, probably there is one. The issue is that the counter scheme is not communicated in any visible way to the (new) player, with the only exception being the Spearman/Hoplit-type of units which clearly communicate a bonus vs cavalry. After a few games my impression of the counter scheme is that it is very incomplete, but I may err.

    Agree with this, the counter schema is a bit vague. Some little notes like -spear horse--> ranged infantry --> Spear infantry --> sword horse --> spear horse- or -spear infantry --> horses --> ranged infantry --> mellee infantry- are often made in the forums. But a overall schema might be useful.

    Another thing related to this is the fact 0ad uses soft counters from which it is harder to make a proper counter schema, than with using hard counter. (Soft counters do have positive sides too!)

    • Like 2
  7. I have the same problem here. The hotkey is broken too in the barracks.

    The reason it is broken is a duplicate definition of the shift+Z combination. At least CTRL+shift+Z is used for some camera zooming and when I remove this hotkey from "default.cfg" the Z batches are working again. I am speaking about romoving line 200 in "default.cfg":

    zoom.speed.increase = "Ctrl+Shift+Z"          ; Increase zoom speed

    We can solve this problem by changing this hotkey too.

  8. This sounds like a valid alternative. After looking in my dictionnary the correct form seems to be σύλληψις. That would give Syllepsis (or Syllēpsis) after translitteration.

    Indeed that is the nom. singular, I took the dat.

    Here some more greek words with almost the same meaning:

    sumballoo (and many forms of these verb) -- to unite

    summisgoo -- to combine

    sunakoloutheoo -- to go with

    sunaptoo -- to unite


    I could fill a few pages with these words, but Syllepsis seems to be the nicest word.

    • Like 1
  9. How's that going to work? Do you have conquer the territory by destroying a certain amount of buildings, and what's left you can capture?

    All organic units won't destroy a building in the next alpha, but they try to capture it (albeit it is still possible to destroy). So all these units got a "capture attack" and every building (and siege waepons) have "capture points". When the capture points run out due to the attack the building will convert to the attckers side.

    See this forum for more info: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10848&hl=capturing

  10. About battering rams, it takes long before you can capture one. Two rams were able to destroy several buildings and one of my civic centers before I managed to capture them both. I had a very plenty amount of spear infantry at my control during that match.

    agree on that, I think rams should get less capture points but more decapture bonus when garrisson. Then rams are an easy capture if unprotected, but when protected it's a lot harder.

    • Like 1
  11. I would love to see a PUSH Animation for siege engines, But i dont understand that " to mutch micro" comments. I mean common when you build a siege engine it would deploy with engineer units already connected to the object. And yes when they are killed you need to men it again but so what you got a army with you "Sending only a catupult is just dump"D" And it would add another layer of realism and gamplay.

    You can add a total different play style to the game with a simple feature like that and new tactics to commit when encountering siege engines / or use. And that for the little more micro sometimes "only if the units are killed" i dont see the problem its a game about micro-managing and the new layers of gameplay it can add i only see the good but others always see the bad if it would add a little more management for units :rtfm:

    Stuff like that sould be added even if it would only be for visuals.

    With this idea it also would be allowed to cature a siege engines: kill the enemy units and man the equipment with own men. So the engine itself would be gaia, but the units belong to a player. After the units are killed the engine should stay on the field till it is captured.

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