To win a game of 0 A.D, you have to completely eradicate your opponent off the map. That is, take out all their buildings and all their troops, even if there was no way for your opponent to win with the troops they have. For most matches, there are two parts. The first part is the actual game, and the second part is playing Hide and Seek. I don't want to play Hide and Seek, that is not why I play 0 A.D. If my opponent loses all their city centres and buildings that can produce units, then how in the world can they expect to make a comeback? I just don't see it happening. Even in multi-player matches, a lot of people just do not know when to give up. In one game, I was playing a 2v2, and their ally quit, so what they did is hide all of their units all around the map. The game was lagging hard by then and we spent an hour taking down his walls and spotting his hidden villagers, so I just quit from frustration. He actually won from hiding, not playing the game. In another 2v2 I played on a map with lakes and we destroyed our opponents and they just camped in the middle of the lake in those triremes, with absolutely no way of making a comeback. We had to make a few warships to deal with them just so we can be declared victorious, even though we were technically victorious by the time we wiped out their territories off the map. Though this is partially due to bad RTSmanship (The player is supposed to quit when they know they cannot come back), the victory conditions are still stupid. Hence, I propose that a player should be given the victory when they have destroyed all of their opponent's unit-producing buildings. That excludes any defensive buildings like towers or walls, or any upgrade buildings like a blacksmith.