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Posts posted by MathiasB

  1. I've just played a bit against two bots. (Just the constructing part of the game, because I haven't that much of time)

    Game seems a bit more laggy than before (e.g. when moving the screen)

    I also noticed that OS X hot-corners are not disabled when playing full screen. This was a bit annoying for me because I put 'Sleep display' in one of them.

    Apart from that I didn't have an issue. Everything worked fine...

  2. I changed the OSX folder to be the same as on Windows (iconv and not "libiconv"). The linking should now work. I still get errors though.

    ../../../source/third_party/tinygettext/src/iconv.cpp:118:18: error: no matching

    function for call to 'libiconv'

    size_t ret = tinygettext_iconv(cd, &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf, &o...


    ../../../source/third_party/tinygettext/include/tinygettext/iconv.hpp:40:35: note:

    expanded from macro 'tinygettext_iconv'

    # define tinygettext_iconv iconv


    ../../../libraries/osx/iconv/include/iconv.h:81:15: note: expanded from macro


    #define iconv libiconv

    Here's the output of make verbose=1 for that file:

    The "-I../../../source" bit seems suspicious. Maybe I still have a linking issue.

    clang++ -arch x86_64 -Iobj/tinygettext_Release -include obj/tinygettext_Release/precompiled.h -MMD -MP -DNDEBUG -DCONFIG_FINAL=1 -DLIB_STATIC_LINK -DBUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=com.wildfiregames.0ad -DUSING_PCH -DHAVE_ICONV_CONST -DLIBICONV_STATIC -I../../../source/pch/tinygettext -I../../../source -I../../../libraries/osx/iconv/include -I../../../source/third_party/tinygettext/include/tinygettext -g -Wall -O3 -Wno-switch -Wno-reorder -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-parameter -Wredundant-decls -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wundef -fstack-protector-all -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstrict-aliasing -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fpch-preprocess -msse -msse2 -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -fvisibility=hidden -isystem../../../libraries/osx/boost/include -MF obj/tinygettext_Release/iconv.d -MT "obj/tinygettext_Release/iconv.o" -o "obj/tinygettext_Release/iconv.o" -c "../../../source/third_party/tinygettext/src/iconv.cpp"

    How do you know the linking should work now? You still got compile errors on gettext... :)

    Your compile errors seem very strange though. In the args, you can see that it includes the iconv folder, but apparently it doesn't include the needed header files.

    I don't have your compile errors, which is even more strange. gettext builds here without any issue (apart from linking the whole thing for pyrogenesis :) )

    I will try your fix in the lua file.

  3. Hmm, for some reason the second part of my message was erased. I changed extern_libs4.lua to the following and had the above error.

    iconv = {compile_settings = function()if os.is("windows") or os.is("macosx") thenadd_default_include_paths("iconv")defines { "HAVE_ICONV_CONST" }defines { "LIBICONV_STATIC" }endend,link_settings = function()if os.is("windows") or os.is("macosx") thenadd_default_lib_paths("iconv")endadd_default_links({win_names  = { "iconv" },-- TODO: glibc provides symbols for this, so we should only include that (and depend on libiconv) on non-glibc unixosx_names = { "iconv" },dbg_suffix = "",})end,},

    I've changed that part in the extern_libs4.lua file.

    This didn't give me any compile errors on gettext, but I still got the same linking errors while trying to link pyrogenesis.

  4. Hello,

    After reading a while on this forums I though I should register myself.

    I'am playing 0 A.D. for a year (or more, don't really know it).

    I wanted to contribute to the project, so I helped a bit on the dutch translation.

    Maybe one day (if I have a lot of time) I could contribute a bit of C++...

    I live in Antwerp (Belgium), I study computer science, and I'm a musician.


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