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Posts posted by xrg

  1. It's usually easiest to use the 3D Cursor to mirror bones.

    - Position 3D Cursor at the center (Shift+S -> Cursor to Center)

    - Switch Pivot Point to 3D Cursor (Period Key, or the drop down on the header)

    - Select the bones that need to be symmetrical

    - Duplicate (Shift+D) and Cancel (Esc) so bones duplicate but aren't moved

    - Mirror (Ctrl+M -> choose appropriate constraint: X, Y, or Z, click to confirm) it should use the 3D Cursor as the pivot point.

    If you name things using .L or .R you can use the Flip Names option in the Armature Menu. It'll change Arm.L to Arm.R for you, but only works with that exact naming syntax.

    • Like 2
  2. Here is basically what the wiki has but step by step for Ubuntu or Mint specifically.

    1. Open a Terminal

    2. This will download and install the required dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev   \    libboost-signals-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libenet-dev libgloox-dev       \    libjpeg-dev libminiupnpc-dev libmozjs185-dev libnvtt-dev libogg-dev     \    libopenal-dev libpng-dev libsdl-dev libvorbis-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev       \    libxcursor-dev libxml2-dev subversion zlib1g-dev

    3. Use subversion to download the source. This will create a 0ad folder in your home directory and put all the source code in it.

    svn co http://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/ 0ad

    4. Change to the workspaces directory

    cd 0ad/build/workspaces

    5. Run the update-workspaces script

    ./update-workspaces.sh --with-system-enet --with-system-miniupnpc --with-system-mozjs185 --with-system-nvtt

    6. Change into the gcc directory

    cd gcc

    7. Run make


    8. Change back to the 0ad directory

    cd ~/0ad

    9. Try running the game

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