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Posts posted by keithvassallo

  1. Triplicarius,

    Actually that's something I've been adding to my proposal just today! Besides using a GA approach to actually generate the bots, I'm going to use machine learning/data mining to analyse the list of chromosomes I generate and their associated fitness. Perhaps I can identify patterns as to which genes produce the greatest fitness - which means the community will have a clear insight as to which factors of the AI effect gameplay the most.

  2. Hi Jubalbarca,

    Well, at this stage I am still working on my proposal - still have to get into the nitty gritty of things (provided the proposal gets accepted - but I'm cautiously optimistic!).

    I'm thinking, off-hand, around 100 generations with 52 AIs each generation, which compete against each other and the standard AI in a tournament. Of course, there's still a lot to be discovered.

    My idea is as follows:

    1. Generate a random seed of bots - let's go with 52 for now.
    2. Using the command line, get the bots to play each other (four at a time) and get the winners to compete.
    3. Choose the top ten. Have them mutate, cross-over, transpose etc... to get another 40.
    4. Go to 2. Until 100 generations have been generated.

    Of course a lot of this depends on how fast I can run the simulation. Is there a setting for game speed beyond insane? Sorry if this sounds like a basic question, but as I said I'm still in proposal stage.

    Thanks for the interest!

  3. Hey guys,

    I'm going to be starting an M.Sc. in AI soon and I am toying with the idea of doing some work on the 0ad AI as my dissertation, using genetic programming. Basically, the idea is to start with a good bot, and serialize all the hard-coded values (delays, priorities, number of units etc...) into a chromosome/genotype. I'll then use genetic algorithms to generate a number of new bots (i.e. with different configurations) and test them out against each other. The best percentile will spawn a new breed of bots, and each generation competes with the previous one so better bots keep emerging (hopefully!)

    I've downloaded the source and had a look around, especially the AI scripts. It would be really helpful if someone would kindly answer the following questions.

    1. Is it possible to create a game where two AI bots play each other, without a human player?
    2. Does the game log actions somewhere, or can this be enabled?

    For now that's all. I'm sure I'll have more questions - at this point I'm still analysing whether this is feasible. Thanks so much.

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