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Everything posted by newcivs

  1. i setup a match "the bug happens with any civ": * Size Giant * Reaveal map: yes * map persian hignlands * pop cap: unlimited * victory: conquest * resource: very high * number players: 2 AI: Aegis Medium and Aegis Easy lock teams: no here the map delays 9 minutes to render, but if i change: * Reaveal map: yes for * Reaveal map: no and after use the cheat jame jam for reveal map the map is playable
  2. when i play with pre-marian romans "the romans of 0AD" and i try tu put the testudo for hastatus, extraordinarius and princeps the "testudo" apeears a normal formations, shiels srinking aside the soldiers but the "celling" don't appears, that means that if i attack with calvary javelinist or with elephants or infantry ranged i can find good points for attack a roman testudo
  3. yeah!! thanks! and i love Carthage, many technologies for many units"14 types" * Iberian Calvary * Celtic Calvary * Italiote Calvary * Citizen Calvary * Numidian Calvary * Elephants * Archer * Javelinist * Samnite Sowrsman * Celtic Swordsman * Slinger * Spearman "holipite-style on 1ยบ punic war, spearman on 2nd" * Holipite "champion" * Ballista * Scorpio * Birreme * Trirreme * Quinquereme
  4. can we put another celtic faction "pictish tribes", are such as the britons but with strongest calvary and champion units, and very very very very weak infantry, same units of britons, but less armoured
  5. hablas de "pobre pero barato" "tropas delicadas y mal armadas"? el bono/antibono que te comente que: * hace la infanteria celta ataque: 50% salud 30% costo 40% * Aquemenidas ataque: 40% salud 50% costo 60% * Maurya "cargan desnudos al estilo celta, pero con tecnologia militar seria ysoldades de facil reemplazo :" ataque: 80% " por su tecnologia militar no les afecta tanto" salud 30% "iban desnudos como los celtas, por eso es tan bajo" costo 70% "mucha poblacion reemplaza a los caidos" 100% es el valor por defecto
  6. mi error era de lo mas gracioso que te poder imaginar ponia <Identity> <Civ>brit</Civ> <SelectionGroupName>units/brit_infantry_spearman_b</SelectionGroupName> <SpecificName>Gaeroa</SpecificName> <GenericName>Celtic Spearman</GenericName> <History>The spear was the main weapon of the Celts, arming the bulk of their forces. The average Celt would only have to take up his long spear and body shield to be ready for battle. While armor was rare, the rabid fighting spirit of the Celts more than made up for in vigor what was lost in protection.</History> <Icon>units/celt_infantry_spearman.png</Icon> </Identity> <Promotion> <Entity>units/brit_infantry_spearman_a</Entity> </Promotion> y el codigo correcto era: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_spearman"> <Armour> <Hack>2</Hack> <Pierce>1</Pierce> <Crush>2</Crush> </Armour> <Attack> <Melee> <Hack>3.0</Hack> </Melee> <Charge> <Hack>5.0</Hack> </Charge> </Attack> <Builder> <Entities datatype="tokens"> structures/germ_kennel structures/germ_barracks </Entities> </Builder> <Identity> <Civ>germ</Civ> <SelectionGroupName>units/germ_infantry_spearman_b</SelectionGroupName> <SpecificName>Gaeroa</SpecificName> <GenericName>Celtic Spearman</GenericName> <History>The spear was the main weapon of the Celts, arming the bulk of their forces. The average Celt would only have to take up his long spear and body shield to be ready for battle. While armor was rare, the rabid fighting spirit of the Celts more than made up for in vigor what was lost in protection.</History> <Icon>units/celt_infantry_spearman.png</Icon> </Identity> <Promotion> <Entity>units/germ_infantry_spearman_a</Entity> </Promotion> <UnitMotion> <WalkSpeed>8.2</WalkSpeed> <Run> <Speed>24.6</Speed> </Run> </UnitMotion> <VisualActor> <Actor>units/celts/infantry_spearman_b.xml</Actor> </VisualActor> </Entity>m antenia enlaces con los britanos, por eso eran dobles te regunto:* c omo crees que pongo las "vulnerabilidades" de "pobre pero abundante" costo bajo y bajo armamento "5"???? o armamento normal pero salud baja "40"? ya que "van por su cuenta" sin entrenamiento ni disciplina escudos de cuero "como maximo" o madera delgada "celta" y o cargaban desnudos "celtas" o con solo ropa "sparabara" o con maquillaje "astibara", pero en el combate "indefensos"
  7. mejoro y sse ve mejor, pero, me sigue saliendo las estructuras britanas, el barracon germano se ve perfecto!, no lo niego, pero, siguen las britanas
  8. the new is an independient prop and that repair the bug?
  9. * i have the germanics /simulation/templetes/* and some actors "axeman" * i have the building "a remix of brythonic structures", unfortunately the germanics build brit buildings no germanic * tengo los modelos propios "bueno remix de estructuras celtas" * suyas = unidades y toodo
  10. que tengo que modificar para que en vez de las estructuras britanas, las unidades construyan la suyas "germanas" what i must mod for the germanic units, build its own structures, build briton buildings no germanic as i want el mod germano germanic mod https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101275290/tribusgermanasmod.zip
  11. y otra pregunta, como remixeo una faccion "mante los actores" pero en simulation/templetes creo nuevos, hasta ahi entiendo y lo logre "como mi minimod germano". pero ahi tengo problemas: la AI no lo soporta para naaaaada! y mi minimod tiene el barracon britano, no el germanico, planeo hacer un "mod" de tebas!, manteng los holipitas griegos, solo cambio los campeones por el batallon sagrado de tebas, pero de rest, lo mismo que cualquier faccion griega de 0AD, todo va de maravilla, pero la AI no lo manipula "solo entrena del CC"
  12. te pregunto: como logro que una unidad detecte "su ambiente": me explico que si esta rodeada de objetos como armboles actue de cierta manera "pelee mejor", y si esta en terro abierto "como el centro de persian hignlands o sahel" se porte diferente "delicada y pelee mal"
  13. Ok ,te pregunto, como puedo lograr que una unidad detecte donde esta, me explico, rodeada de objetos "como arboles", o en terreno abierto y se comporte segun esto "fuerte en bosque y delicado en terreno abierto"
  14. y put all in an only post, in this post, and improve style
  15. i have a metapost with 3 subposts: * "Celtic Post" The celts were very fierce, but poor on techjnology, that means that the only way for the celts could lauch a huge attack is on forest, in open terrain are very very very very weak, we can implemente as there: O means on open terrain such as desert, F means forest, the unit that i talk is B * Britons: O infantry: 4 F Infantry 11 O delamokludda = 10 F delamokludda = 19 O chariot = 23 F chariot = 16 now the gauls: O infantry: 8 F Infantry 9 O solduros = 17 F solduros = 13 why?????: the britons were more "savage" more noise, naked, fierce, indomit the gauls were more disciplinated and good metalworking, that explains my idea * Note the Calvary "except Carbanto" don't recieve a positive or negative impact of it * Persia: * the persian melee infantry were of the worse infantry on 0AD world but is very very very cheap, we could implement with 8 hack the infantry and 12 the champions but with the 60% of the actual cost, the rest of the units are untouched by the change * Mauryans: many many many many soldiers, but few technology, we could implement it, i'm talking about melee infantry: B = 7 hack A = 10 hack E = 13 hack the champions don't recieve any impact of it B means Basic, A means Advanced, and E elite
  16. o think that if ou want you can remix the civ, only copy&paste the roman file but putting rome2 example: romeXXX.xml is source file you copy the content and put rome2XXX.xml change the equse socius for gaisaredos, put epos "famous celtic mercenaries" change extraourdinarius for pretorian guard and, is ready!! and for leegionarus, out the templete of campion infantry javelinist, resave the name champion infantry javelinist2 an put it as parent, put a strong ranges "15", strong melee "18" and ready
  17. aremany units that would be OP: * persian spearmen, are very weak "only woddy armor and shield", is a fact that the persian infantry was of the worse infantry on the history "of their age", but was very very very cheaper 8 attack, 30 food sounds good * mauryan infantry: less cheaper but more armored 9 attack 40 food is good, the mauryan army was of 600.000 men "200.000 melee" with few technology but cheap
  18. i think that we must implement an embassy system and chonnites were the huns! https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huno
  19. i am don't trolling, but: Roman Phalanx vs Towered elephants "ancient carthaginian nuke" + Cataphracts "Citizen ranged, and melee champions" is pretty
  20. persia strong infantry!!!! Oh yeah this factions are pretty
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