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Everything posted by lucho

  1. I didn't use the random map generator; I sculpted everything by hand (which took forever...). But yes, the random scripts give some very nice results. I've updated the first post to show the new version of the map, and map files. Hope everyone enjoys it!
  2. I noticed too. The trick is to use highly contrasting textures. I did mix terrains, but you can only see it close up. Oh well, I'm already working on another map which is working out much better, but I'll continue to tweak this one. Playtesting this map has been fun
  3. Hey y'all. Still learning the ins and outs of the scenario editor. The idea here is competition for resources, which are clustered equally distant from all factions. Greek on greek action somewhere in the Aegean ( wait a minute, that sounds like a low budget porn flick... ) Hellenic_chaos.pmp.zip
  4. I did put some non-grass areas, but looking at it now (and especially in the preview) I see that it's nowhere near enough. I forgot to include the mapfiles- I'm including them now. I used the tropical biome set, which alters the dirt under the grass- it's really only visible closeup. I'm still tweaking the map though. Live and learn... The Greeks do get a lot of territory, but after three playtests, they need it. I was amazed at how fast the Persians produced an army. That little piece of land separating them and the Romans isn't narrow enough firstbattle.pmp.zip
  5. Like the title says, I discovered 0AD last night. This is my first attempt at mapmaking. Took me a few hours to get the hang of Atlas; here's the results of my tinkering. Let me know what y'all think *Edit* Oops, I forgot to explain it a bit. The idea: A three way battle. As happened so often in history, the Romans and Persians are having it out, and the Greeks are caught in the middle. Well, actually, the Greeks stand a chance to come out on top. While the land may look sparse, there's actually more than enough resources for epic fights.
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