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Keaton the Wise

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Everything posted by Keaton the Wise

  1. When I try to register in the multiplayer lobby, it says I'm "disconnected". How can I fix this?
  2. Are there any ideas someone would like to share?
  3. I was thinking that this thread could just be a place for people to share their ideas as opposed to a place where people make lists of things that must be done.
  4. Ok. Does anyone else have some ideas they would like to share?
  5. Alpha 15 isn't out yet. I don't think so, anyway. Is it? So it'll be in the new version? What's SVN? And how do you save it as a skirmish map?
  6. Ok, the title is a bit misleading. I'm not teaching you how to make a skirmish map. I'm asking "How do I make a skirmish map?". So let's try that again. How do I make a skirmish map?
  7. Do you present them with possibilities or do they have to find you?
  8. Do you think you guys could put some of the mods in the Ubuntu Software Center too?
  9. Oh. That's too bad. So what else will be included in the part 2 that will never see the light of part 1? Will Part 2 be available for free in the Ubuntu Software Center?
  10. So every ticket idea has to go through one guy and his team?
  11. You know what I say? To everyone who has replied to this thread. I say we all go down to development and make tickets of our ideas for the new versions.
  12. Is it a planned feature to have units on buildings?
  13. Can't people be garrisoned into walls? And another thought. Is it possible to make arrows stick in buildings?
  14. What's the problem with units on walls again?
  15. Is there ever going to be a building that lets units cross un-passable terrain? Like a hole or river?
  16. I think units should be able to garrison and shoot from walls. And if the wall is destroyed, so are the units. A realistic risk to take to proudly defend your nation! XD. Also, even if you weren't arguing, DON'T!!!
  17. That is a good idea! They have spies and stuff in a game called 7 Kingdoms.
  18. Spies? Are there spies in the current version? Or the new version? Or are you talking about a different game?
  19. Ok. Another idea, if you don't mind . Do you plan to add surrendering to the AI? A possibility similar to taming animals is to make enemy soldiers surrender if they feel like they can't win.
  20. Perhaps you could still be able to train cavalry but it would cost less resources to train or tame horses.
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