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Everything posted by Donner

  1. I have noticed that the yield of the fields was increased a short time ago (http://trac.wildfire...changeset/13405). How about instead the yield of the fields are lowered and when the fields are depleted, there is a regeneration period, probably represented by a grey progress bar, during which the fields cannot be harvested for food. Workers can still work on the fields, not collecting food, but making the fields regenerate faster. This would eliminate the need for new fields to be built when the old ones are depleted.
  2. Can you implement a break formation option to the formations menu? Scatter is not a break formation option as it is very ridgid, being basically a formation where the units keep a set distance from each other. The fact that a group of units have to be in a formation can sometimes lead to some absurd situations e.g. marching in a battle line to a construction location. The fact that animals are also bound to and move in formations can be ridiculous as you can see in this screenshot: Sorry for my formal reportish english.
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