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Everything posted by ImperiusDamian

  1. Geography, true. Of course that didn't stop Ensemble when they threw the Yamato, Shang and Choson in with Egypt, Babylon and Greece.
  2. Japan COULD fit into the time frame in fact; Japanese legend suggests their first Emperors rose to power in the 6th or 7th Centuries BCE, right before the start of the game's time frame. The Yayoi period - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yayoi_period - fits quite neatly into 0 A.D.'s era.
  3. I was just playing Sparta vs Iberia and while I wiped the map with my foes (okay, I admit it, I was playing vs an Easy AI... ) I simply could NOT find the last survivors. Have scoured the entire map hunting for them. It reminds me of the original Age of Empires where everyone had to play 'hunt the lost Granary/Storage Pit' in a Conquest game. Maybe there could be a setting or option when starting a game to allow (AI opponents at least) to Resign when they have no chance of rebuilding/winning?
  4. Aha! So I did miss it, haha! At least I was able to be a useful reminder.
  5. I have a (minor?) suggestion - it's probably been suggested before but just in case I thought I'd throw it out there! How about a tooltip when you mouse over the resource stockpile, to tell you how many gatherers (citizen-soldiers/female citizens) are gathering each resource. Would help players prioritise Apologies if this is already IN the interface somewhere and I've missed it!
  6. You guys used my name and suggestion, I'm honoured! Downloading now...
  7. That's a good idea too, if I was a mapmaker I'd give it a go! Oh nice, i'll check that out! Thanks
  8. I hadn't even thought of that, either! I just suggested it because it starts with N, fits the era, and I'm a big Egypt fan.
  9. Hi all, New here but been following 0 A.D. for a while now and I think it's shaping up to be one hell of a game! So in that spirit, since I don't see an existing topic, I thought I'd throw one up for Alpha 14 name suggestions! Mine is Naukratis - a city in the Nile Delta of Lower Egypt, mainly inhabited by Greeks from the 6th century BC onwards. It also contained pottery that demonstrated the (so far) earliest known examples of the early Greek alphabet. Naukratis was until the rise of Alexandria the most important port city in Egypt.
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