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  1. Honestly no offense and no disrespect against 0 AD or the community, I just never play multiplayer. I played AoE for example, but only the campaigns and never looked at mp content, that's just me
  2. Nice to see a dev replying here, thank you I have been waiting for single-player campaign since I first heard of 0 AD many years ago. Good to hear of A23 but I honestly don't have 0 AD installed on my PC until I can find some single-player story in it.
  3. Sorry for bumping my old topic, but this one still shows up on top of Google searches and it is my own topic after all Anyway, is there any news about this? I want to see single-player campaign sooo bad
  4. Sounds like good news. I will be waiting
  5. Yes I know, there are no real story-driven campaigns. I was asking if there are people working on this, making it ready for future releases.
  6. Sorry if this has been posted before. I am new around here. I usually enjoy single-player gaming rather than multiplayer gaming. So when I looked at 0 A.D., I was really sad that there was no campaign, scenario whatsoever. The question is, is there any work on a single player campaign? Will 0 A.D. ever have single-player fun? Thanks!
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