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  1. HI, all is there a task list out there with everthing regardign animals. Wich one should be redone, wich one are missing etc. I would like to animate, retexture and if needed model some fauna. wish you a happy day, Alban
  2. Now I am curious. there is no research about ancient native(or not so native) inhabitants where you live? That is amazing. I love projects like that. Reminds me of this guy Frankfurt is not very typiccally german. It has a strange international feel to it(thanks to the airport maybe?). but we have a lot museums and of course the stuff i mentioned above:) if you really want to visit maybe i can give you shelter or guide you. http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Kemmelberg is this the hill? Intressting...
  3. As most people are scattered through out the world working and enjoiing this game. I thought maybe you have some intressting thing to share about the ancient history of your hometown or region. As i said before i live in germany. To be precisley in Offenbach near Frankfurt/ Main wich is the Center of the Rhain/ Main area. Most of our modern cities started or were heavly influenced by roman colonisation. There are still a lot of traces you can find till this day. In Frankfurt itself there are some ruins in the center of the oldtown. (wikipedia Unfortunatly only in german. But there are some pictures.) The capital of Civitas Taunensium was just at the suburbs of todays Frankfurt. Just 30 min by car along the Main is the City of Mainz. To quote wikipedia: When you drive from Frankfurt to the northwest into the Taunus Region you can find the Saalburg. A recreation of a roman castle. Official site(English) This Museum is simply amazing. It has a enormus number of historical assets as well as replicas. There are festivals where you can try to live like romans for a day and such. If your are a history nut and ever visit germany. This could be an intresting place for you. So back to Frankfurt and then straight north into the Wetterau region. This is where I was born and raised and has some intresting places to visit. First we stay with the romans. Just 10 min by foot from the House of my Parents there is a small Forest with remains of the Limes Germanicus. There are traces of this border everywhere in the region. Just 20min away from my paraents home you find the Glauberg. There is a grave of a Celtic King and remains of a fortified settlement. They have festivals in the summer where they show you how the celts lived and worked. I tried to play a carnyx once. These Instruments are very heavy and hard to play. (Celtic Healer Unit?) So what ancient traces are in your area?
  4. puh i am not that good with modeling. testuring should be no problem, rigging is an artform of its own, but animating is absolutly doable. With rigging i could ask an animator friend (she works for crytek) for advise. Is there a list of todos for animals or stuff in general? Thats good to hear because I couldn't afford other software at the moment.
  5. well it did work in some older version.... but i can' remember wich one.
  6. I found the post. It's some nice to have stuff. Generic African MInifaction Thank you for your welcome and thank you for the link.
  7. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense.
  8. Thank you Yes that should be doable. If can use the workfiles (photoshop?). Espacially for stuff like the layereffects. Do you have an internal texture source for that kind of images? Other 2D work could be textures (i saw something about an african faction? ) of any kind. Like I said, I would like to try animation, I have only suppervised animation to date, but i have read alot of theory. So something like a non priority animal would be cool. If it dosen't work out nothing is lost but my time
  9. Hi all, I am following this Game for some time now and as you suspected i love it. I also always wanted to contribute to a opensource project and thought this might be the right one. Some time ago I tipped the game to RPS ... somehow I feel guilty know for saying it. :/ Now some Information about me. Got a german bachelor degree in Communication Design. Have some expierience in the gaming industry. Worked for Hellsceen Entertainment (shut down) and Empea. With some friends from university we founded Uniworlds. Most of the time i worked as a game desinger and 2D artist. Professional worktime was short. About 7 month. With Uniworlds i have 3 Years of hobbyist experience. But due to an illness i am not really involved in anything than waiting for a cure or more information about it. Went deaf and nobody really knows why. So i want to get back into the industry because i love making games. That is when it struck me an opensource project could get me more expirience and portfolio material. So here I am ready to learn and contribute. This is want i want to improve on me: Back to 3D - improve my very basic 3D skills espacilly animation and texturing. Working with a established pipeline This is what i can offer: 2D Art and Texturing (Photoshop) Basic 3D modeling and sculpting (Blender, Sculptris) Gamedesign and conception So here I am ready to go. Alban
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