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Everything posted by Xeroth

  1. I am trying to play with my friend on Hamachi, when I first go in it says Out of Sync Error and what not and if I close my game and restart then try to join, this comes up. Assertion failed: "cmpRangeManager" Location: Selection.cpp:38 (EntitySelection::PickEntitiesAtPoint) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 13 (Insufficient access rights to open file) OS error = 0 (no error code was set)
  2. Just thought it would be pretty cool and would add some variety between game modes. It's also a nazi-zombies type game mode so it would proabably get a good fan base.
  3. This game mode allows you (or a group of friends) to start up a game, and to have a certain build time (20 or so minutes) to build up a defense area with walls and turrets and such, but with limited resources. You would have to make use of your resources to decide what to build, whether it be an army, or turrets, whether sending men to help a friendly's base is a good idea or a bad idea. After the time (the 20 minutes) waves on enemies will start spawning from the opposite side of the map, at first starting as little hordes of militia, to a decent sized army will multiple units, to armies with siege engines with armies, to armies lead by hero(es) with siege engines, and entirely champion waves. ideas? Suggestions? feel free to add on. Edit: oh and the enemy horde faction would be choosable.
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