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Everything posted by Ianhamilton

  1. All of these are great This is usually the best approach for MP accessibility issues, allows everyone to play in the way that best suits their own preferences. Halo Reach's 'chattiness' matchmaking preference is a great example (very useful for people with hearing or speech impairment who can't chat, who often get kicked out by players who rely on it). There are four different types of impairment that relate to gaming, five if you're dealing with voice chat in online multiplayer: Visual Hearing Cognitive Motor Speech You hit the nail on the head with what you said about 'accessible to as many people as possible', that's what it's all about, as opposed to it being just accessible or inaccessible. Disability occurs when people's impairments come up against barriers, so accessibility means avoiding the barriers that are unnecessary, ie. aren't the core thing that your players are going to be buying the game for. If you're after a good resource then this should help: http://www.gameacces...yguidelines.com Alot of it just looks like good general game design practice and you'll have quite a bit of it already in place, but actually everything on there is disability related, so anything at all you implement will make a difference. I'd start by having a quick read of the 'why and how' page, and then have a look at the basic guidelines, most of them should be applicable, then see if any of the intermediate ones are too. The advanced ones are pretty niche and specific, but some of them can still be easy to apply to strategy games. Two really important things though, firstly if you're doing any accessibility work do what you can to let people know about the features, so the work doesn't go to waste, and also track who's using them to help inform future work. Hope that's of some use! Just ask me if you have any specific questions about accessibility, I should be able to help.
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