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Everything posted by I_Died_Once

  1. I managed to hose my system down. I was running what has been collectively known as "Franken-debian" - what started out as a stable squeeze install, then changed to testing and experimental at times to install various packages, I borked up my system good and proper and long story short, it was time to just start all over with my system. I picked debian stable (Squeeze) and since there is no Squeeze package of 0ad, I set out to compile my own. Following the instructions as posted in the wiki, I have installed all of the dependencies except for libnvtt-dev and lobmozjs185-dev, as they are not available for my distro. I went to manually download and install their respective .deb files, but when installing them, it wants to remove half of my operating system due to dependencies, and I'm not down with that. But, according to the wiki, you can use the "--with-system-nvtt --with-system-mozjs185" flags, which is what I did. My errors don't start until I run make -j3 from the gcc folder, but I included everything for completeness sake in hopes someone can tell me what it is I am doing wrong. Thanks for the help. Love 0ad. Ready to get back to playing.
  2. Alright, I'm breaking all the rules here with my first post. I looked around but I didn't delve all that deep... Love the game, reminds me of Populous from the SNES, and SimCity, sorta, found it in the Debian repo somewhere and ran with it. Another caveat no one is going to care about is I'm about to run a role playing game that will start off in the Dark Ages (Vampire: The Masquerade) and this game gives me a little inspiration for that. Anywho, I think I may have found a cheat, or a bug. Its got to do with "lag" and some fast finger work. This doesn't work on women or champions, only on "promotable" people you haven't already done this trick on. Its useful at the start of a game or if you're in a pinch and need a few extra hands. Select a guy, or a group of guys by double-clicking one. Click "settings" and check "open developers menu" (whatever the exact wording is) and on the right are a few checkboxes. One says "Promote Selected Units" - don't just press it, flood it with a barrage of clicks as fast as you can. You flood the CPU and it creates any number of new guys. It replicates the person including anything he is carrying, so if he is loaded with metal, all the "clones" (if you will) you create will also have the same load of metal (or wood, stone, food) I usually do this with five guys at a time and I end up with 10 to 30 (multiples of five cause thats how many dudes I'm replicating) This is true in the current version (the one that came out a couple of weeks ago) and in the last version as well, although in the current version you have to re-draw the box to select all the new guys. Now, my question for you all is... in the current version, for some reason, I cannot make heroes or champions. They are shaded out, and it says "Requires Future Alpha" - I've tried every update, every technology, and built and clicked on every building trying to make me a "King War Elepant" (thats what I call ol' buddy) but I can't make him or a King Leonidas or any other higher calibur throat slasher at all. I haven't seen anything in any documentation, nor do I see anyone else having this issue on the forums, so I'm wondering what it is I am doing wrong. Love the new look and feel for the game in the recent update. Realy glossy, nice work. Much love.
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