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Everything posted by Prime624

  1. Oh. Earlier you made it sound like copyright law was the only thing. You should write something like, "Programmers, artists, researchers needed!". I doubt that you would not get a large enough response.
  2. Now my freedom of speech. Great. (Not an "insult") If TLA is never gonna take off, can you at least remove it from the website or better, announce that it is officially dead because you and the other creators are afraid of copyright law? I bet someone else would love to take it onto themselves to make it.
  3. WB shut MERP down because it infringed on the movie. Third Age was never shut down. I don't see what you're so paranoid about. [Removed]
  4. I did not know that. Wow. But even so, Tolkien didn't shut down any other mod (that I've heard of). Not Third Age:TW, not MERP. Why this one? EDIT: Oh and BTW, I just played 0 A.D. and I like it. RTS isn't my cup of tea, but it was still fun. I think they should release a and add more features after they release V1. It's taking too long. Eventually they can add the rest, but after they have a finished game to brag about. (And then maybe TLA can start up again).
  5. They used the movies and the books. If you just use the books, then that can't happen.
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