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Posts posted by alkazar-ipse

  1. bro, what you just described is AoE III's ranking system online ;-)

    I like the idea of having a server where you can log in as a user with rank, friendlist etc

    At the moment one can only play with people one knows, via ip adress.

    Maybe there should temporarly be a chatroom here, so that people can meet each other for multiplayer games.

    (waiting for web-master geek377's "challenge accepted, but give it a week" XD(nah, just kidding))

  2. yeahy.

    I'v seen the crash, pierce (attack and defense) etc, and I've also seen the "2x vs all inf"

    but i think that doing the math is still quite... entertaining ;-)

    I must admit i havent played a lot yet. When I'll get used to it, I'll maybe agree that its not that complicated.

    So, just sayin': for a newbe it's more confusing then AoE III ('S EUROPEAN CIVS!)

    Also, what is new in alpha 11: heros get limited to one alive at the time, so i wont have 10 Hanibals, and complain about the other elephant unit, but rather have 1 hanibal and 8 normal elephants :-)

  3. Yeah AoE online sucks, i loved AoE III.

    too few units

    Sorry to say, but 0AD has too MANY units IMHO...

    In AoE III the WC and TAD civs were bringing the mess in: as long as you played european civs, you knew heavy inf kills cav, light cav ows heavy cav, which owns light inf, witch beats heavy inf ...ETC

    I think 0ad could use some of those basic rules; now if historicly some units were exceptional, out of ordinary, ok... but dont give each unit with same weapons different strengths, only because they are from an other civ.

    I'm looking forward for more regulations at that level for the future releases ;-)

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