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Juan Sebastián Gómez

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Posts posted by Juan Sebastián Gómez

  1. another option -If you don't like the idea of citizens around a mine waiting for their turn to work- could be to asign mines in the game a max number of allowed workers. This way, every time you send a citizens to work on a full mine, you'll get a message saying something like: "This mine has exceeded the max number of allowed workers". This should happen no matter how far workers of that mine are depositing their resourses. The mine is full, that's all.

  2. Hello Wraittii. In my opinion, if units needs to go really far to deposite their resources, they shouldn't be removed from the "gatherer list". It's true that a second player could send his citizens and capture the hole mine before first player even arrive. But I have seem in other games that when it happens, citizens just get together over the mine and wait their turn to collect. The same applies when you send so many citizens to collect metal or stone and there's no enough space for everyone of them. In that case, some of them collect while the rest just get together over the mine waiting for their turn. When players see this, they immediately know that it's better to take some of those citizens and send them to other resource.

    For me, every citizen sent to collect a resouce should be imediately added to the "gatherer list". No matter how far or how many citizens are already working on that specific mine. I think this is the only way to have an accurate "citizen per resource count".

    Note: In case you use "Shift" key to assign some citizens a list of tasks, being gathering a resourse the last one, that group of citizens should be added to the "gatherer list" just when they finish the penultimate task, not before.

  3. Thank you so much Enrique for your answer and for sharing your experience with me. Judging by what you say, playing only with citizen soldiers isn't a infallible strategy after all. But that's good. Players should feel the need to use conventional citizens as well as citizen soldiers. By the way, Have you guys thought of the possibility of reducing citizen creation time. This, together with the gathering bonus, would give citizens a good advantage over citizen soldiers. It's just an idea anyway. Thanks Enrique for your invitation to join the 0AD IRC channel. I'll keep it in mind.

    Muchas gracias Enrique por tu respuesta y por compartir conmigo tu experiencia. Por lo que me comentas esta estrategia de solo crear "Ciudadanos-Guerreros" no es infalible después de todo. Y eso me parece bien. La idea es que aunque existan estos "Ciudadanos-Guerreos" los jugadores vean la necesidad de seguir usando los ciudadanos convencionales. A propósito ¿Han pensado en disminuir un poquito el tiempo de creación de los "Ciudadanos"? Esto junto con el bono de recolección les daría un poco de preferencia sobre los "Ciudadanos-Guerreros". En fin, es solo una idea. Gracias también por la invitación al canal. Voy a tenerla en cuenta.

  4. Hi guys. I'm a big fan of AOE and AOM and I've been playing 0AD for a couple of months. It's a very good game.

    However, I don't like the idea of having citizens and citizen soldiers. When I started to play 0AD with some friends, we all used citizens to recollect resources, and soldiers to attack. This way we had to be smart and careful when creating them because we knew economy depended on citizens and militar power on soldiers. We also had to look for a way to protect citizens and farm fields, maybe by building some walls and towers near them or just by puting some soldiers to watch the path. Fears was a constant. The last thing you wanted to see was some enemy soldiers raiding your citizens.

    But one day, it ocurred to me to only use citizens soldiers and forget about citizens. It made me stronger than my opponents. I could attack them faster, and better yet, I didn't have to take care of my citizens because citizen soldiers could take care of themselves. So every time my enemy tried to raid my farm fields or wood, stone and metal gathering groups, he realized that those woorkers were actually professional soldiers. After a short while, my friends were obliged to use the same strategy since it was more effective. They all started to put aside tradicional citizens and to only use citizen soldiers. It's true that citizens are a little bit better than citizen soldiers at gathering resourses, but we have realized that it is much more practical and safe to only create citizens soldiers during the game.

    My friends and I really miss the traditional system of having citizens and soldiers. We believe this is one of the pillar of Real Time Strategy Games. What do you think?

    Hola muchachos. Soy un gran admirador de Age of Empires y Age of Mythology. He estado jugando 0AD los últimos meses y creo que es un muy buen juego.

    Sin embargo, no me gusta la idea de tener "Ciudadanos" y "Ciudadanos guerreros". Sucede que cuando comenzamos a jugar 0AD, tanto mis amigos como yo usábamos "Ciudadanos" para recolectar recursos y "Ciudadanos guerreros" para atacar. Este método nos obligaba a ser inteligentes y equilibrados al momento de crearlos, pues sabíamos que la economía dependía de los unos y el poder militar de los otros. Ademas, teníamos que buscar la manera de proteger los "Ciudadanos" y los campos que cultivaban. Para eso construíamos torres, murallas o cubríamos el paso con "Ciudadanos soldados". El miedo era constante. Lo ultimo que querías era que un grupo de soldados entrara a la ciudad y empezara a atacar a tus "ciudadanos".

    Un día, se me ocurrió una excelente idea: Usar solo "Ciudadanos guerreros" y olvidarme de los "Ciudadanos" convencionales. Esto me dio una gran superioridad sobre mis rivales. Podía atacar mas rápido y ya no tenía que preocuparme por cuidar a mis "Ciudadanos", pues los "Ciudadanos guerreros" se defendían solos. Siempre que mi enemigo intentaba atacar mis cultivos o campamentos de recolección de madera, metal y piedra, se encontraba con que mis trabajadores era guerreros profesionales. Pronto, todos mis amigos se vieron forzados a usar la misma estrategia, pues esta resultaba mas eficaz. Todos fueron dejando de lado a los tradicionales "Ciudadanos" y empezaron a jugar solo con "Ciudadanos guerreros". Es cierto que los "Ciudadanos" recolectan recursos un poco más rápido que los guerreros, pero nosotros hemos comprobado que es mucho mas práctico y seguro usar solo guerreros.

    Mis amigos y yo extrañamos el antiguo método en el que había que tener ciudadanos y soldados, pues creemos que es uno de los pilares de los juegos de estrategia. ¿Qué piensan ustedes?

  5. I started this post because I thought that a "garrison only citizens that are under attack" button would be a good idea. But as K776 said, maybe it would be micro-managementy. And thinking about it, he's right.

    I was only looking for a quick way to hide my citizens when attacked. And as Feneur said, Ctrl + Right Click is the perfect solution.

    Finally, I have no doubt that a traditional "garrison all citizens" button is necessary. At least in some cases.

    So guys, I have nothing left to say on this post. Thank you.

  6. I like this idea of houses producing citizens and there are special houses for men or women. It adds life to the game.

    Sorry but I desagree with Azayrahmad and Iap.

    I think the conventional house building system will always be the best.

    In fact, struggling with the necessity of building houses because you have no space for more citizens or soldiers is what really add life to the game.

    This conventional system is great. Not olnly put your management capabilities to the test, but at the same time is simple.

  7. That already exists, though you need to press the Ctrl button first :) (Maybe you do know about it and just want to make sure it's not removed? :) ) And yeah, at the very least a garrison all female citizens button will exist :) It's the citizen soldiers that present the biggest issue, since you may or may not want to garrison them.

    ohh no no, I din't know it was that simple (Just pressing Ctrl button). Actually, I started to play 0 A.D. about 1 month ago, and there are a lot of things I'm unaware of.

    On the other hand, when I started this topic I was only thinking of female citizens since citizens soldiers can fight back.

  8. I think it'd be better to build this into the AI. If any defenceless person is attacked, they run for the nearest garrisonable building (tower, town center etc). And they don't leave it until the enemy units within the area are gone. Adding a button to do this makes it very micro-managementy, which will slow down the games pace.

    Well, maybe what K776 said is true, and a "garrison only citizens that are under attack" button, and pushing it time and time again would be micro-managementy.

    But, just as the rest of members, I think that at least a tradicional "garrison all citizens" buttond would be necessary.

    On the other hand, I think that regardless of citizens reaction when under attack, having the possiblity of manually garrison them will be really useful. And that is because it will allow us to protect them even before the enemy troops arrived. In other words, citizens won't have to wait until arrows are stuk in their backs to realise that is time to run away and hide.

    So what do you guys think?

    Maybe we could have the next 2 options in the game:

    A "garrison all citizens" button, and at the same time, the posibility of garrison citizens whenever we want, just by selecting a desired group and right-clicking on civ centre (Or tower, or fortress).

  9. I have played a few RTS games in my life, and most of them have the custamary "garrison all villagers" button.

    At first sight this option looks really useful, and in some ways it is. But when you have 70 citizens working all around the map, and 20 of them are suddenly under atack, you won't probably want to hide them all. You will only want to protect the group that is in danger, while the rest of them keep on working.

    So my suggestion is to create a civilization centre's button that allows us to automatically garrison citizens in territory that is under attack. This way, the rest of the citizens can continue working during the assault.

    Now, what if the enemy starts to attack another group of citizens? well, in this case we push the button again, and this new group of citizens automatically seek shelter.

    Sounds usefull. Don't you think?

  10. Tedious micromanagement? No thank you.

    If anything make it so you can take armor off of soldiers you train from the barracks.

    yeah totally agree. Let's aboid tedious micromanagment.

    On the other hand, thae Idanwin's idea of having an alarm system that allows you to garrison only citizens that are in territory that is under attack sound really useful and innovative to me.Why don't we post it? Let's do it right now.

  11. Pure Black is player 8 right now. ;)

    I think we should stick with the current player color palette (8 colors), but allow players to choose from those. What do you think? So, no to choosing hot fuscia from a color dropper, but you can pick one of the 8-10 colors we have available.

    I agree with you Mythos. Players should choose their colors from the current palette.

    On the other hand, what Bruno said about player 8 color is true. It is grey not black. So, couldn't it be a little bit darker? I mean, not a 0-0-0, but maybe something more like black.

    And what about white? I know Bruno said this is gaia's color, but, are you sure guys there's nothing you can do about it.

    By the way, thanks for taking in consideration the color choosing idea.

  12. Hi guys,

    I would like to have the option of choosing the color of my civilization.

    I mean, firt player is blue, and second player is red by default, and you can only be violet or orange if you have 6 or 7 players in the room.

    But it would be great if the player color was an option and we could choose it the same way we chose our civilization and team number.

    Can you imagine spartans in black??!!!!!!

  13. http://trac.wildfire...rtoiseSVN_Guide

    aqui esta la guia bajas el Tortoise, le decis q carpeta queres q sea la del svn

    pegas la url del trac


    le das update se va tardar como 2 a 3 horas

    buscas el exe para correr el juego q esta en binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe


    ojo tiene q haber actualizado todo.

    al principio la primera vz q lo corras va ser lento todo va ser gris, cuesta q cargue los elementos, pero los cargara.

    Listo voy a intentarlo. Gracias Lion.
  14. sebastian hablas español, los patch deben ser compilados antes y subidos al trac

    http://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline alli encontras los cambios

    tmb podes usar la version svn para disfrutar los ultimos updates sin esperar l lanzakiento de los alfas

    Gracias Lion. Aunque la verdad no entiendo mucho sobre eso del trac la versión svn, pero si hay una manera como tu dices de jugar la versión con todos los updates sin esperar el siguiente alfa, me parece perfecto. The agradecería si me explicas un poquito sobre el asunto.

    To download the patch:

    Click on the link to the patch, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Original format" (right below "Download in other Formats:").

    Nearly all patches are attached to a relevant trac ticket. Not all of them will be included in alpha 11 as some still need some modifications or need to be reviewed by a developer first. The roadmap should give you an overview what is planned for what alpha, though this doesn't mean that something will be done or that everything that is being worked on is included in that list.

    Thank you, really helpful.
  15. Maybe my graphics are the problem (I dont have a dedicated video card).

    If no one else get confused, I dont want to insist.

    And please, no blood needed. But if you are going to add it, a least add a blood enable/disable option too.

    Please take into consideration that not all of us get excited about blood and gore in videogames.

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