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Posts posted by AbdelMuhamar

  1. Thanks ;)

    I'm checking your tutorial right now and I will try to play a bit with Blender tomorow.

    I'm definitively interested in providing visuals for the carthaginian houses, this week end I have some times on my end so I should find some stuff. :thumbsup:

    Too bad the celtic buildings are on low priority, I will try to bring higher by making some sketch. I definitively they deserve much more than their current buildings :yes3:

  2. it seems it's not in priority currently, while the greek buildings are...

    I fear that this illogical depiction of some buildings ( not all of them the forts and military building are good) won't get noticed since most people still has this stereotypical view of northern european in antiquity as less civilized than the southern one (romans, greeks), which is false. Most celtic buildings in this game really lack this NEAT feeling that a civilized faction should have (perfect shapes, artwork, paintings : the flamboyant look).

  3. Hi there. I'm new here. I discovered this mods a few hours ago and quickly read everything on the website about it. I'm totally enthusiast about it.

    I just started playing a few hours ago and I had an overview of every civilization of the game, and I found most of them to look pretty much accurate and accurate.

    But something caught my mind : The celtic buildings look overly primitive and rudimentary, especially compared to the other civilization. I mean if when you look the others civilization building all their building looks strong, complex, refined with arts (especially the roman and the greeks) while the Celts one looks like primitive and overly simple houses. It's especially striking with their houses : they just looks like hovels.

    Not all their building however looks like that : their military structures actually looks accurate and rather advanced. So it's only about their ''civil'' buildings (town center, houses...)

    The celts were a civilized people in their own rights. They had been established in some regions since centuries (by the time of the game) and their civilization was thriving in most part of their ''confederation'' . So they did build refined structures that had nothing (or not too much) to envy to the romans,Carthaginians,persians,greek ones. The only problem we got is the lack of documentation on how they looked since they didn't wanted to write anything, and most of the structures were destroyed or transformed in more roman-like structures (Gallo roman civilization for example) in the course of five centuries.

    But it's obvious that any thriving and advanced civilization like them builded complex infrastructure, with as much art and refinement than the other civilization of the game. Even caesar written about how solid and complex the gallic bridges were and how developed their road system was. He even stated that he would have never be able to march so quickly into gauls without the impeccable roads that spanned all over Gaul.

    I mean right now, their houses looks worse than the cabin I builded with my brother (both of us are in our twenties) last summer. And we were just tow, had no knowledge whatsoever about buildings and we had only 4 months, while a typical celt at that time was more handy than us, and could devote much more time to build a house ( and the house could pass and be improved from generations to generations). Just looks at some of the structures the vikings had build in the early middle ages : they certainly were not more technologically advanced than the celts in 0 ad, yet their buildings looks much more developed (and are embellished with sculptures,columns, paintings, low relief) than the celtic buildings in 0ad.

    So in the end, I think some, not all, of the buildings models should be changed or improved. The point is to give them that refined look that any civilization of that caliber should have.

    I found this project simply amazing, and i'm ready to contribute to it, especially the celts and the carthaginians (being a tunisian myself i have a good knowledge of this faction).

    So if you need help i could give you a hand in modeling (i have some experience with milkshape but i can rapidly adapt to watever tools you use) or if you need an historian ( I just completed my third year in history studies). I would be especially glad to help you with the history stuff, but i find modeling fun occasionally. I could also help on the textures side but i'm not a good photoshoper.

    EDIT : after thinking about it for a while, I can precisely say what is wrong with the buildings :

    The truth is : The design of the celts buildings is based on their rural models, you depicted the rural celts building of that time.

    At the same time, you gave the other civilization the urban models. Which means you depicted the carthaginians urban buildings for example.

    So when you designed the buildings you used countryside celtic buildings as an inspiration. But you used cities buildings as an inspiration for the other factions.

    This is what I find unfair.

    I am not sure if what i wrote make sense, so I will resume it one more time :

    -in 0ad a celtic town is based on how a celtic VILLAGE looked back then.

    -a roman town is based on how a roman CITY looked back then.

    (i put it in red because i think it really summarize my point)

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