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Posts posted by J-Dx

  1. Don't worry, the goal is to get the map to be like something from Cartographers Guild.

    Excellent! That is what I was hoping to get to eventually (though I doubt I'd be able to do it!). How do you add images to these posts? I've edited a little the map you posted, adding a few names and correcting a few little things. I'll have to spend a good few days/nights going over my notes and short stories and adding the names that I've come up with, and then thinking up a few more! There's a much wider area that can be included either separately as a second, larger map, or as one big one.

    Still, a smaller one of just Endari/Helmnaf (as the map is now) would be useful for the purposes of the current story.

  2. As you requested. Its not that great and I couldn't decipher some of your handwriting. I just traced over it.


    In hindsight, I should have added a legend. But its just a rough copy.

    I'll add a few details where I can, but mostly it looks roughly right! I'm still making it up as I go along, so many places don't exist that will later! Some places don't have names yet either. I'd love to have the map done properly, as you'd find at the front of the Lord of the Rings, or Game of Thrones, like my hand drawn one but better! The one you've done is easier to see on the computer though for sure!

    I would be interested, but I'm new here so I guess I'm not allowed yet :-(

    I'll send you the link soon! In return I'm asking for your feedback and honest opinion :)

  3. Just as a general comment: In my experience the important thing (unless you deliberately want to confuse the reader) is to make it clear that it's at an earlier point in time and another character (especially if it's a relatively close POV). Point in time isn't all that important to clear up immediately imho, as long as it doesn't e.g. feature a character that has died before or some other inconsistency (though that in and of itself is of course a way to tell that it's earlier in time, though I personally prefer a clearer notice :) ). That it's from another characters POV though, that should be obvious from the start for me to feel comfortable :) (Again, your intention might not be to make the reader comfortable, so it depends a bit on what you do with it as well ;) )

    That said, if you're just going to be telling the story from that other POV for these chapters you'd better have a good reason, otherwise at least I would be disappointed as a reader if you didn't come back to that POV later.

    Thanks for the input!

    My current debate with myself is whether to simply carry on the narrative without jumping back and then write what happened earlier as a separate story, as there will be more than enough material to make a short book if I put in the details. The main reason for jumping back is to answer some of the questions that are raised in the current point of time. These are perhaps not essential to explain, but would make a decent story! I think I'm currently swaying towards not including the past point in time, though it would be disappointing not to! I can always make it a prequel.

    If I do include the earlier point in time then it would of course be made very explicit so as to not confuse!

    Perhaps I will write the end of the story without jumping back in time and seeing whether I feel it is enough. I can always add more later!

  4. I'm looking for some opinions so please let me know what you think!

    I'm reaching a point in the story where I intend to 'go back in time' after the climax to explain how the story (in Chapter 1) came about. It will be eventually converge with the story as its told in the first chapters, but focusing on a different character until carrying on the story where it was left off.

    In general (as I don't want to give the plot away!) does this sound like a good idea? Do you mind the jump in the narrative in novels/stories? Let me know if you've read anything where this happened and it didn't work! (or did work!)

  5. I've sent out a few links to people! Let me know that the links work and that you can access the file! For the record it's entirely my own creation and I've sent them for private reading only! Copyright and all rights remain with me!

    Legal stuff aside, hope you enjoy the read and I'm looking forward to some feedback (slightly nervous! Not many people have ever read my work!)!

    If you want a read and haven't been sent the link, please feel free to ask!

  6. I suggest you export it as a PDF rather than providing ODT or DOC files. You should also include some copyright details on it if you're planning to send it out to people you don't know (including me). :)

    If you don't already have a Dropbox account, you could create one and use that to upload your file.

    I will definitely add some copyright details. I did have a template for a non-disclosure form for when I showed some people a board game I had created, but not sure if that's going a bit far for a story!

    I did have a Dropbox account (when I was using Windows!) and haven't tried to use it on Ubuntu. Might give that a shot.

    Do people want to read it as it is or shall I edit a little first?

  7. I've got 37 very roughly typed (A5). I'm currently re-writing the start as it's changed rather a lot since I started. I have a lot more handwritten that I'm slowly typing up.

    Its the culmination of a whole host of short stories and ideas I've written and put down since my GCSE English creative writing assignment! The story in question was just going to be another short one but its taken a life of its own and looks like it may become quite long!

  8. Hi!

    I've been following 0ad for a while now and love where it's going!

    I am also a fan of the community - it's great to see people so enthusiastic!

    I was wondering if there is anyone on here that likes fantasy novels (think Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones). I have been creating my own fantasy novel for a while and was hoping someone might like to read a bit of it to give me some feedback? Its very unedited currently, but I'd love to know what other people thought of it! Anyone interested at all?




    This is Chapter One. The rest that I have written is available only by request. :)

  9. I've only just read the first one and it was excellent! A very gripping read, with the author building suspense brilliantly, and has left me wanting to buy the second book. It wasn't as good as Tolkien - the history just didn't feel as rich or deep. But it is the best fantasy book I've read in a long time.

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