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Update Rovonin Heroes Adon, recruited at town phase mercenary guild description: experienced defensive warrior low health and stamina recharge due to age. he fought against the Rovon empire in the first rebellion after the Rovonin lost the war the mercenary guild was destroyed and outlawed. Adon's acts of defiance by running the guild underground draw warriors, merchants, peasants and disenfranchised lords to his cause. Abilities. Appeal to the people a random Rovonin soldier arrives at Adon permanently every few minutes passive effect. Righteousness of the Cause. A random Rovonin hero arrives at Adon for a short time (heroes that might come Curto, Bomar Dezuequel, Languard, Veridagorin, Mela, Ankora) passive effect requires Veridamar's influence Curto support warrior wielding a magic sword. abilites: great heal restores health to units and heroes near Curto for a few seconds when activated, confuse Curto confuses his enemies by creating 3 illusionary Curto's for a short time that deal very low damage but are invulnerable, defy death Curto becomes invulnerable for a short a time. Bomar, wise warrior, Bomar has mysteriously lived for hundreds years his body heals itself at a very fast rate if he loses a limb it will regrow in a few months. Abilities: Counselor technologies are cheaper and get researched faster passive effect, mysterious healing Bomar heals faster and heals in combat passive effect. Dezuequel, Archer with high attack speed. abilities: Quick Eye: quickly spots weaknesses in enemy armor causing more damage and ignoring some armor passive effect Mela giant man abilities: extreme strength attacks will throw enemies as long as he has stamina passive effect Veridamar Support hero and anti hero recruited at the city phase Assembly hall. Abilities: Influence gives soldier the target soldier an ability to disarm enemies unlocks ability for Adon. Disarm, an enemy hero or soldier greatly reducing that enemy units damage please let me know what you think about heroes and their abilities and how easy they would be to implement into the game
Building style: roman Faction Bonuses; Turtle Formation The Doonish commonly used the Turtle formation for defense: Legionaries were formed into hollow squares with twelve men on each side, standing so close together that their shields overlapped like fish scales. requires a centurion nearby to use this formation. Engineer Warrior Doonish legionaries and centurions can build siege walls, army camps, and siege weapons Team Bonus; Roads allow for quicker transport of units and supplies making doonish and allied barracks work 15% faster. Buildings: Wooden Siege Wall/Gate/Tower Army Camp City Phase: Legionnaire Stone Barracks Village Phase: Celtar Pikeman Town Phase: Jeruan Auxiliary, City Guard City Phase: Legionnaire, Spearman of Marsi Archery Range Village Phase: Jeruan Archer Town Phase: Celtar Guard City Phase: Rovinish mercenary Stable Town Phase: Jeruan Raider City Phase: Noble Chariot, War Elephant Siege Workshop Town Phase: Scorpion City Phase: Onager, Battering Ram, House Fortress City Phase: Legionnaire, Noble Chariot Civic Center Village phase: Villager Blacksmith City Phase: research elephant armor (upgrades elephants to armored elephants) Market Town Phase: Merchant Dock Village Phase: Fishing Ship Town Phase: Trireme, merchant ship City Phase: Quinquereme Units: Celtar Pikeman bonus vs cavalry (pike 3m) City Guard citizen soldier (looks like legionnaire with a pikeman shield) Legionnaire standard infantry high armor when gets enough xp he upgrades into Centurion (looks like rome imperial legionnaire) Centurion the presence of a centurion allows legionnaires to form a turtle formation (looks like rome imperial centurion) Jeruan Archer basic weak archer Celtar Guard basic crossbowman (looks like celtar pikeman with a crossbow) Rovinland Mercenary although the sling is hard to use in the forest of Rovinland the Rovinin tradition of slings is kept alive. not being so useful in the thick Rovinland forest these soldiers will become mercenaries and hire themselves out to the Doonish, Jeruans, and Land of Death range 150m (looks like Legionnaire with a sling) Jeruan Raider. heavy Jeruan cavalry (looks like roman cavalry javelinist) Noble Chariot consists of a driver in chainmail a knight in full armor open visor helmet so he can see where he is throwing the javlin and a squire moderately protected armed with a stabbing spear War Elephant a living siege weapon strong vs everything in its path Armored Elephant a war elephant in armor is expensive to maintain hope that the extra defense the armor adds will pay off
the armor should look more like chainmail the order knight should kinda look like a norman knight
okay is that the order knight or something?
ok well all of the shields are wooden with a metallic boss and edge unless stated otherwise and the buckle on the spearman of marsi's shield should be metallic mercenary of Non shield is metallic
@niektb that would be nice thanks @mutelovestone yes i'm mark, i started with the doonish but right now i'm trying to add the rovonin and the doonish first @lionkanzen you could do the spearman of marsi's sheild the sheild will be on the units back when he is moving and when standing still the shield will be set up in front of him and will connect to other sheilds from the same unit type. the shield should have some type of buckle on all four sides so that it can connect to other shields be set up kinda like a mantlet and a spike on the boss. you could do the shields for rovonin soldiers general units shield man-at-arms, hoplite, woodsman, throwing axeman, (the hoplite shield should be a little bigger) Sengayr slayer same shield but black background with a red sun town militia shield Rovon shields order knight
mute we can work together how do i view your resources changes notepad++ only shows a bunch of characters i don't understand i have the same skype name i think. i will be done with school in two monday's so after then i will be able to put more energy into modding see top post for descriptions on how the units look or see the in depth Rovonin post well the nochaton models need to be made pretty much a horse with horns the rider will have a lance also noble nochaton models a noble nochaton will have sword extensions on its horns the noble nochaton rider will have a sword i will probably need a Rova Guard model i will also need a man-at-arms model (with a one handed flail and then a shield in the other hand) throwing axemen, and battering ram will probably need models
okay thanks anyone have any tips or tutorials on creating factions
okay i added you as a collaborator i think
i think what would be best for the temple would be the main temple building with the altar and the golden basin outside surrounded by a wall
that is a good idea and if the 0 A.D. team doesn't make it you can mod the game and add wells and a water resource if you so desire i think if rightly implemented it would work fine if you don't add stables horses could just cost a certain amount of water. or just need a well with a good water supply to train them or something
Yeah that would be nice. Thanks
Gold, Loyalty, Outlaws and Collectibles Gold; a new resource that is generated by buildings like houses and mercenary guilds. to get more gold just higher taxes (tax rates may effect public order). Gold is used to buy mercenary units or to reduce enemy units loyalty or convert them entirely to your side Loyalty; is what keeps units fighting for you and buildings under your control. a unit or building with 0 loyalty is an outlaw unit/building there are a few variables that can effect unit/building loyalty - numbers the more units and buildings you have together the more loyal they are. ex. a house in the middle of nowhere far away from your land will have very low loyalty. - if inside your town boundaries, buildings will be build-able anywhere on the map but if they aren't in your town boundaries they will have loyalty problems and will lose all loyalty if ignored or alone - walls, people will feel secure behind a good wall the better the wall the safer they feel. building walls and defenses will have a positive effect on building loyalty - Public order the average loyalty of all your buildings. - who you are allied with may effect your public order. example: if the Rovonin and Doonish factions become allied their will be a public order reduction because those factions don't trust each other, but a Rovonin and Rovinin alliance will have a positive effect on public order because they trust each other. - your armies effectiveness in battle may effect your public order. if you are always losing battles and stuff your citizens may lose faith in your leadership - technology techs you research may effect public order. example tech (hire tax collectors effects gold is gathered faster from houses and markets, people get angry at the more efficient taxing system) - Rioting when your public order is low watch out for your buildings becoming outlaw and spawning outlaws from them. you can do one of two things wait for the buildings public order to go up or destroy the building if you destroy the building or buildings your public order may go up because of fear - Citizen soldier loyalty is effected greatly by your public order - Outlaws are spread across random maps they usually consist of units from the maps host culture. units buildings with 0 loyalty become outlaw if you build a civic center near an outlaw town and that town is in your kingdom boundaries you might convert the town - Collectibles, are magic items like relics that your units can collect there are 2 types individual collectibles, and kingdom collectibles first what are collectibles. they are either magical jewels weapons/armor with magical jewels bound to them, and Relics of cultural inspiration. - individual collectibles. the unit that collects the item is the one that uses it when he dies he drops the item. most weapons/armor items are individual collectibles, and some magical jewels. few Relics are individual collectibles Kingdom Collectibles. these collectibles are picked up by a unit and deposited in one of your buildings and their effects are applied to your whole kingdom. most relics of inspiration are kingdom collectibles. some magical Jewels are kingdom collectibles as well. very few weapons and armor are kingdom collectibles
i think that buildings and units can hold lootable resources so you could make collection of blood kinda like the collection of xp where it stored in the unit and you get it when the unit is killed.
1) i try to go for historical accuracy with armor and weapons but since you are doing a fantasy mod there is not much closer you can get than that. 2) you should first get a rough idea at what you are doing. how many factions you will add possible bonuses or unique features in each faction. possible big changes to the game. 3) strict factions? (do you mean like making each individual nation?) well if you don't have strict factions in mind. it would be good to start out with general base factions ex: (men, dwarves, elves, goblins etc.) and then after you have the base cultures down spread them out into different factions. 4) start with the faction that you are most thrilled about adding at the moment (it might be wise to start with an easier faction so that you can learn the ropes of modding before you get onto the harder ones)