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Everything posted by henrikbennetsen

  1. I love opengameart.org. But I think that even if you took them and all their competitors (incl. us) as a whole you would have to say we still have ways to go towards the goal of making it easy to get your hands on great usable 3D content. So there is enough to do. Henrik
  2. I certainly understand the joy of creating and if you have all the 3D making capability you need then there is no need. There are those who love to create who don't have that and they like us a lot The way you use COLLADA may be what makes this not work. Thank you for taking the time to respond, Henrik
  3. (Posting here per Aviv Sharon's suggestion) Hi there, I am part of the http://ourbricks.com/ team. We are hoping to build a great collection of open 3D content. I am writing to introduce myself and tell you that we would love to mirror your content in order to make it available to a broader audience. I know it's already shared under an open CC license and we would of course maintain that license and any other relevant meta data. Your choice of a CC license and COLLADA makes us very compatible since we support both. So it should be at least somewhat straight forward and we don't mind doing a little legwork. For reference the vega strike team have already put their content up with us: http://ourbricks.com/profile/id/244 Obviously if this or any other content on our site is of use to you then by all means use it under the contraints on its license. Wanted to keep this brief but I'd love to hear how this grabs you. Henrik
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