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Everything posted by ShakaZ

  1. I eventually realised that instead of libcurl4-gnutls-dev and libcurl4-openssl-dev needing an unavailable libcurl-dev they were conflicting with each other and libcurl-dev is just a stub installed by either one of them. So I installed only libcurl4-openssl-dev and then the compilation ran fine. Might be wise to update the wiki about this. So eventually the only unorthodox thing I had to do in the process was the downgrading of the libenet packages with versions that aren't available in debian sid anymore. Any idea when you will switch to libeven 1.3.x? Atm these libraries being limited to versions 1.2.x means no packages are available on the debian frickelplatz repository which is the only one, I know of, providing 0AD on debian.
  2. Hello, I've been trying to install 0AD, first from SVN but that failed. Now using the released files. When running ./update-workspaces.sh there was an error about libxml-2.0.pc not being found, which was resolved by export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib32/pkgconfig. Now it gives following error : A search on my system doesn't show a tree.h file located in a libxml directory. EDIT: Nevermind, what I wrote above was fixed after installing the dependencies (except libcurl4-gnutls-dev libcurl4-openssl-devas they depend on licurl-dev which is not available) suggested on the build instructions page. ./update-workspaces.sh builds fine now, however there are some errors during the make: There are no ./test and ./pyrogenesis files in binaries/system, so something must have gone wrong even though there didn't seem to be any fatal error. EDIT2 : Downgraded libenet to version 1.2.1-1, which removed the previous errors, though now there's a fatal error and more errors about unused variables or parameters. p Still no ./test and ./pyrogenesis files in binaries/system
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