Q1) OK, so say you are invading the AI island with transport ships. Image that the island has "strategic locations" (either: randomly distributed, near collections of buildings or near battle hotspots [probably2]) - so you take a strategic location using your invasion that originated from ships at the time the AI was responding with planes. So the AI now knows that planes aren't awfully affective and will use some kind of reinforcement learning system to learn this. Q2) Well if you atack with ships and the AI responds with planes that's a pretty linear battle (implies only one attack unit and one response unit). So if there is a reinforcemnt system the battles will become a bit more complex, the computer wil learn in this case that responding to approaching transports with plane will not work, so maybe it'll use boats or artillery this time, however when you land say you unload some men and some artillery. Now when the computer attacked your island earlier in the game you attacked its army with artillery and it killed the artillery with archers (say), so now its reinforcement learning will come into play and direct it to use archers. It will also have learned earlier that planes are good against men, so it'll send in some planes, which will probably succeed - if this response succeeds then the learning for attacking artillery with archers and men with planes will be reinforced, however if the artillery gets to a strategic location the the archers will be proved ineffective and a new node will be created for armies of men and artillery (linked to archers and planes with a negative connection and a neutral connection to everything else). If of course the combined approach works then no new nodes are needed. Q3) pretty much answered this one, the AI creates a load of strategic points (around clumps of buildings, near resources whatever) - these points cannot be seen by people but they are areas that are likely to be hotspots. If an army captures a strategic location (destroys the buildings that made this a strategic location, killed the villagers mining the resources that made this a strategic location etc) then the response the AI used is ineffective. Q4) umm... that's answered above at great length and I'm not going to repeat it. Q5) + Q6) eh? rephrase the questions :?