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Posts posted by Vigal

  1. In regards to your comment Mithrandil, I am in complete agreement with a few exceptions. I think that Western Society has evolved to be less intellegent(I use that word with no reference to education) as a whole due to the manipulitave tactics of many powerful people and companies(I refer to immoral advertising tactic etc) and the many distractions which often lead people into a slighty and even more sadly dramitically distorted reality.(I'm talking about small things like excessive fictional Teli Vision shows and other forms of entertainment, bad eating and a recent decline of hygenic standards, to more serve problems as drug abuse ranging from the masses of alchol abusers and smokers to the heroin and cocane addicts)

    I believe people through around the name Hitler so lightly because of there lack of understanding of what he was, I've been called a nazi for stating that there are genitic differences between races due to thousands and thousands of years of seperate evolution :D It is ridiculous to through around names like Hitler and accusing people of being Nazi's for the reasons they do. However that said Bush may well and truely be on his way to dictatoral powers as I understand your civil rights have been servely restricted just as Hitler restricted those of German citizens after (most likely) causing the burning of the Reichstag and blaming the communist or to stop throughing his name around like Nero did when he was the cause of the creation of fires that lead to the prosecution of Christians

    PS. I think they were both along the lines of Emergency Decrees or justified by stating they were for the publics safety and for the survival of the homeland

  2. I think for the mere fact that (as you mention) "common desensy" "is up to the public to decide" is reason enough why it shouldn't have been an unexpected and I guess by your countries political figures reactions a very unwelcome event in many cases.

    I hate the hype generated by actors, singers and other entertainers and I think the newspaper was right to suggest an entertainment article although they could have very easily edited it to make it acceptable for the sake of public discussion, however the article obviously would have had to be printed in an editoral, feedback or opinions section due to its clear bias.

    However that said I do believe you raised some good points and even though I didn't and still don't care about the event and don't understand why it was given so much press internationally, I did find your opinion interesting and worth the time reading

  3. A couple simple questions.

    What will be required?, expected? and provided for the quality assurance testers?

    I'll expand on those broad questions whilst repeating a few?

    System requirements?


    Skills and prior knowledge?

    Is there any geographical/national requirements,(eg, must I be living in the U.S.A or a citizen of, in order to meet the application requirements?)

    Number of hours required to dedicate to the project for what period of time?

    What training oppetunities, experiences and any other benifits can a tester expect?

    When will you begin taking on testers?

    More of the same or in the form of another broad question like the first posted, what should I know about Quality Assurance Testing if I'm interested in becoming apart of it?

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