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Posts posted by historic_bruno

  1. Hello everybody!

    Hum, It's my first message on this forum and I don't know if I should start my own thread. Cause my problem is exactly the same as Zold, and I've done exactly what Ykkrosh said to fix it. But still, My game is very slow. As soon as start ( leaving the main menu for single player menu for example) the cursor is acting weird, slow I mean. And is still slow during the game.

    Hmm, I think this is worth looking into as I'm seeing more reports of mouse lag and general slowness on Linux. By the way, that was just standard debug output you saw, nothing abnormal there :)

  2. Thanks Ykkrosh, I tried cleaning it by running sh clean-workspaces.sh

    then i got this error after rebuilding again:

    Linking pyrogenesis
    ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L../../../libraries/cxxtest/lib'
    ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L../../../libraries/valgrind/lib'
    ld: in ../../../binaries/system/libnetwork.a, malformed archive TOC entry for CBinarySerializer<CLengthBinarySerializerImpl>::PutNumber(char const*, unsigned char), offset 1868707150 is beyond end of file 3635216
    for architecture x86_64
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[1]: *** [../../../binaries/system/pyrogenesis.app/Contents/MacOS/pyrogenesis] Error 1
    make: *** [pyrogenesis] Error 2
    make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

    Hmm maybe it compiled the library for the wrong architecture? Can you paste the result of running:

    uname -v

  3. Discussion Philip and I were having in IRC: what happens if I build e.g. a fortress in my ally's territory? There's two cases:

    1. ally's territory is connected to a civ centre: disable the health drain so ally's can't harm each other?

    2. ally's territory is not connected to a civ centre: all buildings in the territory suffer the health drain?

    The border calculation doesn't know anything about diplomacy and I agree with Philip that we should keep it that way, if possible. So what if building in ally territory had this caveat: it's like setting up a base which you own along with the surrounded land, it falls under your protection. But your ally can no longer build civ centres and houses in that enclave. That's not a new feature, but I'm trying to determine if our current behavior has a logical explanation :)

  4. Would be so cool if we could get this into an Xcode Project,

    then it would be easier for mac and iOS developers to start pitching in,

    and would probably also be easier to package things into a Mac App.

    You can try using our new build system (update-workspaces-new.sh instead of update-workspaces.sh), which creates an Xcode project - I've been able to successfully build in Xcode 3 on Snow Leopard. Hopefully it will be the only build system for Alpha 7, if we can squash the remaining bugs. Then I agree, it can only help OS X development :)

  5. post-12995-0-36398500-1313468964_thumb.j

    So I have made a number of changes to my island random map.

    • Underwater Blending (coral and deep water)
    • changed the terrain to look more like Cycladic Archipelago III
    • Mediterranean dirt and rock brush mixtures
    • added patches of dry grass
    • the center island is now broken up into smaller islands depending on the map size (1 at size tiny and up to 4 at the largest size)
    • fewer shipwrecks
    • more fish

    I have attached the new file to this post. Enjoy.

    I tried it, looks nice (y) But still with 8 players on a large map, there are waaaaay too many shipwrecks. It would be a very dangerous group of islands to have so many ;)

  6. Also, just FMI (=for my information :rolleyes: ) does the random map script override all things that can be set in a random map script? I'm thinking about things like environment settings etc. I'm guessing they do/should, just want to know for sure :) )

    Not sure how you mean. When you generate a random map in Atlas, it should be the same as loading a new map, so environment settings and everything should be updated in Atlas. If not, it's a bug :)

  7. Hmm, you may be onto something =) Just thought of the case where you may want to have say 4 "ordinary players", i.e. with starting civ centres etc, so you specify 4 players and then generate a random map as a starting point. Then you add one (or more) other players in the player settings tab and just give them a bunch of units, to have them act like raiders or fill any other role you want them to. So, ok, there's a use for it I guess :) (One could still do that from the map tab of course, but yeah, for the user it might seem like two different things.) And it's probably best to have all things that affect the random map generation on the map tab. Though, what about things like diplomacy? For maps where for example all team mates should end up on the same island etc that is important. Perhaps that's special enough for people to think about it even if it's not on the map tab though :unsure:

    I'm thinking they should be totally separate, because for one thing it simplifies the design :P and also like you said, there may be cases where random maps might generate X number of players but you really want Y.

  8. -- We really need some dialog or something to tell us that the Map Script was "working." It took a while to generate the map and I thought Atlas had frozen or something.

    Fixed (there was a typo).

    -- We also really need a way to choose the number of players before generating the map in Atlas.

    Maybe the number of players control can be copied to the map panel and stuck in the random map section, then it would be more clear.

  9. Why do you not do it like in AoE 2 -The Age of Kings and the Conqueros Expansion? If a building is nearly destroyed, all the units, military units as well as normal settlers, are leaving the building automatically and one cannot place them in the building again, until it is repaired a little bit and has a minimum number of health points.

    We already do this for buildings :)

  10. hey guys, just some quick suggestions for your priorities regarding the next alpha. it's great how the game is getting along, but i think you could make an instant leap forward when it comes to the 'feel' of the game just by digging out a few easy old tickets... please do include them in the next alpha:


    #859 (is this fixed by now? i'm not sure)

    #826 (this is actually fixed but obviously the other way round would be way more comfortable, i.e.2 clicks = [all units of the same type]; 3 clicks = [same type and rank]. the first one is used way more often!!)

    technically these are probably all minor issues, but they really spoil the fun because they directly affect the player's control over his units. please consider fixing them asap :)

    best, android

    I'm not sure how quick #593 would be, but I do know UnitAI (which contains all that logic) is a mess.

    As far as #826 is concerned, it would be trivial to change, but we discussed this in some length on IRC before it was implemented. The thinking was more clicks -> a more general selection. It may not work as well in practice.

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