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Continuous fire damage [ Ticket : 1912 ]

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I've started looking into this ticket1912.

From what I understand from the ticket description this is the scenario . Once a fiery ball/bolt hits a target, it should cause splash damage and in addition, a continous damage to the units in the splash zone for a fixed amount of time.

Some questions regarding this

1) Given that all the damages caused are currently instantaneous, I need to make this one continous for a given time. Lets say I add a Damage.CauseContinousDamage() function to the Damage object. How do I ensure that the units in the splash zone are recieving the fire damage periodically?

2)Should the period of this continuos fire damage be greater than the rate of firing of the Ballista?

3)From Attack.js I see that MissileHit function causes a single call to Damage.CauseSplashDamage () function . How does one ensure

that the Damage.ContinouseDamage() function is called a number of times for every Missilehit ?

Edited by Mooseman
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