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0 A.D On GameRanger


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This is a post for the Gamer Developers.

GameRanger – the easiest way to play your friends online.

GameRanger is a free download for Mac and PC that lets you play over 600 games and demos online with friends and opponents worldwide. GameRanger offers features like profiles, friends lists, instant messaging, in-game voice communication, and competitive ladders/rankings/ratings.

Created by Scott Kevill and opened to Mac gaming in 1999, GameRanger is the longest running multiplayer online gaming service on any platform. In 2008, GameRanger expanded into PC gaming receiving widespread enthusiasm and acclaim.

GameRanger Technologies is located in Perth, Australia.

I use GameRanger since 2010 and i must say its just great. 0 A.D developers can talk with GameRanger Owners to bring the game there, because GameRanger also works with Gamer Developers and will give them the enough support for the game on multiplayer área. Please, to talk with'em access this link:


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I chatted about this a bit on irc. A summary of my point of view is:

1. We plan to have our own multiplayer lobby and server in the future.

2. Fragmentation of the people playing multiplayer 0 A.D. is bad, it makes it harder to find a game unless you join all of the locations. We won't want to continue with GameRanger once we have our own lobby, this will fragment the multiplayer community to some extent.

3. The game is not finished yet, I don't think it is good to encourage masses of people to play at the moment, so there is no great incentive to get a multiplayer lobby soon.

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