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Two suggestions about unit scales


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In real world, humans don't have the same height. Their heights vary. How about adding a random small scale ratio to human units so they won't all have the same height?

I didn't find any "scale" parameter in the actor files. They can be very useful for both modding and scenario designing. Imagine you want to make a bigger rock entity for use in campaigns. You must create a new model for this purpose and add it to the game. If you had the "scale" parameter, you could have done it easily by just scaling an existing rock.

Another example: For example, you want to add some children for campaign cinematics. You should create models and well as animations for it to operate. But if we had the scaling, we could just make the model and scale it into a proper size.

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The rocks might be a feasible idea (someone more technical than me would know).

But from the perspective of the in-game camera, I believe the differences height among human units will be quite insignificant. Think about it: If you are overlooking people walking many floors beneath you, can you really easily discern their different heights?

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For objects in the editor, I think this is a great idea. Watch any of the Overgrowth editor demos to see examples of how that feature is useful in a ton of different situations (they also have a feature that allows you to overlay a color tint to any object to increase the feeling of "naturalness" in maps).

For human units, this would be sort of obsolete at the scale you're suggesting. Even zoomed in, the differences probably wouldn't make anyone remark on how detailed the game is (which is literally the only benefit to this feature). We also don't expect players to pay close attention at close zoom distances, as the game is best played from further away.

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