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Seeking graphic designers & video editors


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On top of the existing openings, Wildfire Games is currently seeking volunteer contributors in two more areas:

Illustrators/Graphic Designers: Draw, paint and design various parts of the game in 2d graphics within 0 A.D.'s established art direction. Please provide a portfolio - even a Photobucket slide show will do. As part of the interview process, you will have to complete a simple test project (most likely a 256x256 unit icon). Some experience with 3D modeling and animating is a plus, but not required.

Video editors: Create several promotional, educational and other videos for 0 A.D.. These may include an intro scene for 0 A.D., a general promotional trailer about the basic features of the game, an ad targeted to OS developers to join the project, and videos that document the development as new releases come out, perhaps explaining how certain parts of the game mechanics work. Candidates should be able to demonstrate past work in a portfolio. 3d graphics capabilities are a plus, but most videos should be perfectly doable with 2d graphics and in-game recording.

Interested? Follow these instructions to apply to join our team.

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