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Hey, all

My name is Andrey, I'm from Cyprus (originally Russian).

I'd like to congratulate you guys for keeping up a great work with 0 A.D. project! - for a Nix environment the game quality is awesome ( started tracking the project development since first Alpha version).

I'm quite new for game-dev, and currently learning as a hobby maths for gaming and AI aspects, however I might help in other aspects, in case of:

*. Web development: good experience in programming Perl, PHP, Javascript (with standard package of HTML,CSS)

*. Didn't code C++ for quite some time, refreshing it via your SVN repository.

*. MySQL, PostgreSQL

*. Russian localization (fluent English, basic French).

Great job, keep it up! :victory:

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From the open ones: I've started working in a daughter-company which was doing web development. As the main task, we developed a generic engine with plugin system, that allowed as to use it for different purposes. During my stay we prepared the engine with "property" and "on-line shoping" plugins, then i got a "level up" to the headquarters and started working on the closed-sourced commercial projects.

I managed to find some of "property" plugged sites from my previous works:



For the last 2-2.5 years I'm working with:

1. CakePHP (for PHP framework, as #1 framework at work).

2. Javascript + jQuery framework (javascript in case of Google Javascript/AJAX API's).

3. MySQL PostgreSQL as storage databases.

4. Blueprint CSS or "grid 960" as CSS frameworks.

Perl used as glue between different back-end systems or as background processing:

1. Fast XLS parsing and CSV generation for different depts.

2. WWW::Mechanize for personal website crawling.

3. Cronjobs and email notifications tasks.

4. Basic knowledge of Catalyst framework for Perl (MVC framework as well)

Recent project that occupies most of my time at work involves also system programming on Perl - for different parsing issues: XML, binary-coded packages, cronjobs, mailing.

Edited by hollymann
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