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OS game competition and how a Roman shipwreck helps neutrino research


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Two small news items from today:

First, 0 A.D. has been nominated in an OS indie game contest called "The Digital Man" organized by WorldKi, a software company that provides a cross-platform marketplace for indie games. We're not sure 0 A.D. actually qualifies (criteria include "must be complete and playable", which 0 A.D. is not) but we appreciate the nomination and the attention anyway. Thanks!

Next, lead ingots carried by a Roman ship sunk in 50 BC will be used to study the decay of neutrinos. They are special because they have nearly no radioactive lead anymore, and that is important to build shieldings meant to prevent contamination of neutrino experiments. So the ingots "will now be stripped of their historically interesting manufacturers' names, cleaned of any incrustations and then melted to provide a shield" for a neutrino test, (though I'll bet the ingots were well documented before melting). (via kottke.org)

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