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  1. Looking at the code right now, we have 2 different copies of shader code: 1) Old legacy ARB shaders from fixed-function era OpenGL 1.5. 2) OpenGL 2.0 GLSL shaders. It's been 10 years since OpenGL 2.0 was introduced and since we've already decided to move away from fixed function code, it would only make sense to drop ARB shaders. For those not familiar with ARB / GLSL, this is a type of code that is run by your graphics card to render pretty pixels on the screen. Right now the old ARB support code is adding quite unnecessary amount of code in our shader pipeline. Removing it would make our code smaller, easier to manage and also faster, since we wouldn't need to have a preprocessor wrapper. If we no longer need a preprocessor wrapper, a lot of shader compilation code would also get smaller. Furthermore, since we are currently supporting the ancient ARB shaders - with every change in shader code, we'd have to also update and test the ARB shaders. We're already low on developers as it is, so I don't see any reason to justify that overhead. Even more important is that most code is written in modern GLSL - nobody uses old ARB assembly anymore. Nobody would update the ARB shaders anyways. This would hamper any shader development. Right now is the time to vote on this matter and seriously consider moving onto GLSL permanently.
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