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Hi, Just gave it a test run on my main (fc12) box. Everything seems ok so far. Only gave it a test run though (start-up (fullscreen), flick through menus, start game, default selection, play, enter game.. move units, exit back to menu, switch to windowed, start new game, play with camera, screenshot :-) ) I've added the screenshot below, it's rather large though (1440x900) so I've only linked it :-) It merely demonstrates 0AD running with newest drivers :-)http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/4995/screenshot1sg.png So, from what I can tell, the new drivers appear to be fixed.
That's great news! :-). Glad you got it working. :-).
Hi, I've updated my previous code with an updated script :-). This fixes the "bug" you mentioned. and a few other things. See Changelog at the bottom for all changes. I would recommend using reverse on previous script, and running the new one :-) I believe 0-AD has a "alt+enter" key-combo which switches it from windowed to non-windowed on the fly. The above poster is also correct if you want a permanent solution :-) As for the 100% CPU, does this happen when in Login screen, or only after login? A re-install of drivers may/may not fix this. The All option on the previous script only installed these extra packages: nvidia-glx (now included by default on new script) nvidia-185-libvdpau nvidia-current-dev nvidia-185-modaliases (now included by default on new script) nvidia-glx-185-dev nvidia-current-dev As for 0AD still not starting, are you still getting the same segfault message?
Ok folks. So I done some basic testing, and made a small 3/4 poorly counted line script, which from what I can tell, successfully, downgrades the Nvidia drivers. However I cannot reboot my virtual machine to check to see if they actually work after. However I'm assuming they do. This is an "early days" script, so use at your own risk. If you get any problems, let me know. I will try to fix them. Worse case scenario if the driver downgrade fails the scripts "reverse mode" should fix it. This will simply re-upgrade them using apt-get upgrade. (or you could do it your self using apt-get upgrade) Their is also a purposely left commented out section in the i386 section, which has a apt-get remove which could be used to remove all parts of Nvidia, and then you could re-install them if it goes @#$% up :-) Though I do recommend not using this script on an important system until someone who can reboot their machine after the update/downgrade has said whether or not it boots back up properly :-) Run script with "help" at end to get a list of options. To use essentially do this: '/media/shared/script1.sh' 260.19.06-i386 all noclean or '/media/shared/script1.sh' 260.19.06-x86_64 all noclean "all" and "noclean" are not required. This script should work for both i386, and x86_64, however is untested on x86_64. But I don't see why it shouldn't work. Now, onto the script: Create a nvdowngrader.sh file with the following contents: #!/bin/bash # This small script (v0.4) will help users downgrade their Nvidia drivers. # This is intended to downgrade the 260.19.06 drivers. No Later no earlier. # 260.19.12 is currently unsupported due to apparently uBuntu does not publish # these, so for now, the support is not required. If it becomes required it should # be easy to update/add. # Great now that is set up we can move on. # Different versions of ubuntu may provide different drivers. # So we simply ask the user which driver they currently have. if [ "$1" == "260.19.06-x86_64" ] then # We need to grab the packages echo "Changing directory to /tmp/nvidiadrivers/" mkdir /tmp/nvidiadrivers cd /tmp/nvidiadrivers echo "Downloading 256.53 x86_64 Deb packages..." wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-185-kernel-source_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-185-libvdpau_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-185-libvdpau-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-185-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-current_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-current-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-current-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-glx-185_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973339/+files/nvidia-glx-185-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb echo "Package download complete." # Phew! Glad the wgets are over! # then we need to downgrade the old ones: echo "Downgrading Packages..." dpkg --install nvidia-glx-185_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb dpkg --install nvidia-current-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb dpkg --install nvidia-185-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb if [ "$2" == "all" ] then dpkg --install nvidia-glx-185-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb dpkg --install nvidia-185-libvdpau_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb dpkg --install nvidia-185-libvdpau-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb fi dpkg --install nvidia-current_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb if [ "$2" == "all" ] then dpkg --install nvidia-current-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb fi # And now clean up! if [ "$2" == "noclean" ] || [ "$3" == "noclean" ] then echo "Not Cleaning!" else echo "Cleaning temporary files we created (disable with noclean)..." rm -rfv /tmp/nvidiadrivers* fi elif [ "$1" == "260.19.06-i386" ] then # We need to grab the packages echo "Changing directory to /tmp/nvidiadrivers/" mkdir /tmp/nvidiadrivers cd /tmp/nvidiadrivers echo "Downloading 256.53 i386 Deb packages..." wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-185-kernel-source_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-185-libvdpau_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-185-libvdpau-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-185-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-current_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-current-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-current-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-glx-185_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/256.53-0ubuntu3/+build/1973340/+files/nvidia-glx-185-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb echo "Package download complete." # Phew! Glad the wgets are over! # then we need to downgrade the old ones: echo "Downgrading Packages..." dpkg --install nvidia-glx-185_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb dpkg --install nvidia-current-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb dpkg --install nvidia-185-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb if [ "$2" == "all" ] then dpkg --install nvidia-glx-185-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb dpkg --install nvidia-185-libvdpau_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb dpkg --install nvidia-185-libvdpau-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb fi dpkg --install nvidia-current_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb if [ "$2" == "all" ] then dpkg --install nvidia-current-dev_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb fi # And now clean up! if [ "$2" == "noclean" ] || [ "$3" == "noclean" ] then echo "Not Cleaning!" else echo "Cleaning temporary files we created (disable with noclean)..." rm -rfv /tmp/nvidiadrivers* fi elif [ "$1" == "reverse" ] then # We merely tell apt to re-update the drivers to where they was :-D. # of course, a user could do this part them selves easily. # It would be bad to make a script without a undo process. echo "I am now, undoing what I had done before." if [ "$2" == "all" ] then apt-get upgrade else apt-get upgrade nvidia-current nvidia-current-modaliases nvidia-glx nvidia-185-libvdpau fi elif [ "$1" == "removenvidia" ] then # We remove all nvidia. Warning. This is potentially dangerous. # I added this so that, a comment could be removed, and the command however preserved. apt-get remove nvidia-185-kernel-source nvidia-185-libvdpau nvidia-185-libvdpau nvidia-185-modaliases nvidia-current nvidia-current-dev nvidia-current-modaliases nvidia-glx nvidia-glx elif [ "$1" == "inserttrojan" ] then # This is a joke, their is no real trojan, don't worry. I just got bored while waiting for # uBuntu to finish downloading/installing :| This does not edit any files, or do any modifications! :-) echo "Opening /etc/passwd" echo "Decrypting" echo "Password Found" echo "Sending Password to the Doc" echo "Editing initrd.." echo "Rebuilding initrd.." echo "Success!" echo "Incoming Message:" echo "I am The Evil Doctor Porkchop, and I have inserted a trojan! Muhahahaha" echo "Message event closed." echo "Exiting" elif [ "$1" == "help" ] then echo "Usage: ./nvdowngrader.sh [driverversion] [OPTION2] [OPTION3]" echo "The Nvidia downgrader will downgrade your Nvidia drivers. Use with caution." echo "" echo "Options:" echo " help Where are you now?;)" echo " noclean This option will tell the script to not do any cleaning." echo " all This will install *all* downloaded Nvidia packages." echo " reverse Puts program into reverse gear, and upgrades the packages." echo " removenvidia Removes all installed Nvidia drivers. This is dangerous." echo " inserttrojan Unknown :o" else echo "You must specify what version of Nvidia drivers you currently have installed." echo "To check these, open up the Nvidia Control Panel. That should tell you." echo "Once you know your version of Nvidia Drivers, you must specify them at the end of the script like so:" echo "./nvdowngrader.sh 260.19.06-x86_64" echo "./nvdowngrader.sh 260.19.06-i386" echo "" echo "Once done, this script will set off, and downgrade your Nvidia drivers to version 256.53." echo "Warning: Narwhal is not currently supported." echo "" echo "If you would like this script to undo what it has done, simply run the script like so:" echo "./nvdowngrader.sh reverse" echo "" echo "Add help to end of the script for more information." fi # Changelog: # * v0.4 # - 32-bit nvidia-glx is i386 not i368... # * v0.3 # - Fix Dependancy Problem # * v0.2 # - Fixed a wrong reference in 64-bit section (Thanks Freedom2 for spotting this) # - Minor grammar issues fixed. # - Removed unnecessary commented out code. # - Added "removenvidia" to remove all Nvidia stuff, this saves having it in a comment. Which is kinda hidden away. # - Moved the installer bits around to attempt to get a "cleaner" downgrade. # * v0.1 # - Initial Script # Copyleft # This script is provided AS IS without any warranty of any kind. As such I will not be held # responsible for any damage this script may do. While I consider it unlikely that this script # will do any damage. I cannot guarantee it will not. You run this script at your own risk. # # You may copy/modify/redistribute this script all you like :-) Give it execution permission, and run as root (sudo script.sh or sudo su - then script.sh) Any problems/comments/suggestions let me know :-) Enjoy! PS: Script only tested on uBuntu 10.10. Edit: Updated Script
I see. I install drivers manually usually (like my Nvidia, it's installed via the .run) So I tend to "forget" that people like to use their package managers for Nvidia Drivers.However, your issue, of needing to go into rescue mode merely to install/update/downgrade a Nvidia driver seems a bit strange. And I don't personally think you should invest in a box with fedora, merely due to a driver bug (as this bug is from what I can tell, multi-distro.) In Fedora world, I tend to bump into quite a few things, which are supposedly "uBuntu only" which is kinda annoying. But I wouldn't switch to uBuntu because of it instead I would attempt to force it to work, as such I wouldn't expect anyone here to go about switching to Fedora just because of this bug. So, what I've done is grabbed a copy of uBuntu and installed it in a virtual machine so I can see what it can and can't do, I've partially written a small bash script, which, with a bit more work, should allow easy downgrade of the Nvidia drivers :-). It's not done yet, and haven't tested it yet. When it's done I'll throw it up here :-) I don't yet know if it'll work or not yet, or even pass testing, so don't get your hopes up :-) I was bored, so I thought "Why not sort this issue out?" :-) PS: Yes I know Nvidia drivers do not work in a virtual machine (Virtualbox) however, as long as I don't reboot, it won't try to use them. Which is the plan, it would allow me to play around with the package manager enough to get the basic testing done :-) - Jake
Hmm downgrading drivers via apt(?) on ubuntu, I'm not entirely sure, as I have rarely used ubuntu (LiveCD at most). In Fedora world, it could be recommended to do "yum downgrade [packagehere]" I think apt may be able to do this also... Eh a quick google search led me to this which could potentially work. However I cannot confirm, or deny that as I currently have no ubuntu box to test it with :-(. However since then ubuntu may have got a apt-get downgrade or something, I don't know. .......... or better yet, they may be able to simply uninstall them, then re-install them, by grabbing packages directly from here and here? PS: I also wrote "or limited to" in previous post in a sense, the bug is not just limited to 0AD does/could affect others.
Hey guys. Hate to burst your bubble guys, but I think your all barking up the wrong tree here! Firstly, I don't think that this bug is related or limited to any of the following things: * Compresson * Build type * uBuntu * configuration * 0AD Note, the last one said "0AD" That means that I don't think this is a 0AD bug at all, you see. I believe this bug is not limited to 0AD, and can affect other applications as well. If you take notice, you'll notice the issue is only affecting Nvidia users. and that these users are all using the 260.19.* drivers. The error being (from mine): pyrogenesis[4139]: segfault at 354ac0e8f1 ip 000000377709483f sp 00007fc56b1e8c60 error 7 in libGL.so.260.19.12[3777000000+b7000] now, you were already aware of this, but read again.. take note it says " error 7 in libGL.so.260.19.12" Notice it's not a 0-AD file? but rather a Nvidia Driver file? That is because this is a 260.19.* series regression. You will probably notice this also happens with the Alpha 1 of 0AD. See here. You will find, just like I did, downgrading your nvidia drivers to 256.53 will fix this issue :-). At least, it did for me. You can grab those here and here :-). Hope this helps resolve the issue for you guys, it did for me (Fedora 12 x86_64) :-)
Cool cool Sadly I don't know any developers who specifically work with AI. Fair enough. Cool! Never noticed that file till I looked for it Thanks. (The correct location for me however was: /usr/share/0ad/config/ ) Yeah See now, this is where my understanding of the game got me a tad muddled up here, you see, I thought that "Citizen Soldiers" were merely soldiers, and "Female Citizen" where plainly citizen. (Eg thought that there would be male versions at some point)But I think I understand now Seems good to me
Fedora 12 on my Desktop (Hopefully plan to switch this to CentOS6 at some point) And I run CentOS5 on my servers :-)
Hi, Firstly, I'd like to say great job so far! looking good. Keep up the good work. I've only known about 0-ad for about a year and only recently installed the alpha, so I'm not completely in the 'loop' about what's happening, so forgive me if I tell you what you already know or plan to do :-). I'd also like to say "Thank you" for making this open source (I understand, that this was not the original intention?) and cross platform. It's great to finally see such a high quality RTS game for Linux (I'm a Linux user, Fedora/CentOS.) Now, I understand that the AI merely is not developed yet. But, for when it is, it would be pretty cool if you could make the AI take a more realistic approach to things, unlike some "other" rather popular RTS game series. For example, AI could have the same abilities as the user, for example. Build walls, focus on different things such as economy, military, or defence, depending on the 'mood' of the AI, which could be randomly selected while loading (Not by user). I've noticed the "other" RTS series AI never seemed to build walls in the last version(3). (Well not that I saw). What's up with that? Also, population limits. We all know another RTS series had these, and they were often considered quite low. While I am currently unsure if 0AD has these (I haven't checked) it could be handy to have a population limit, however, not how another series done this, but instead, selecting the population limit based on how the users computer would handle it before lagging out (Which can happen if to many objects are on screen at same time all doing various activates). For example, low low end (Minimum required) around 200, Low end, 400, Medium 800, High 1000, Ultra high, 2000 or unlimited? However this would lead to one problem.. Online Multiplayer, as we alll know, everyone would have different systems so the limit would be different per system, so for online it would have to be a fixed value for all systems. After all, it would be highly unfair for a player to be stuck with 200 Pop limit, while the other player online can have 1000 Pop. And now Options. I know these currently aren't developed (At least not in the Alpha I have). Just a few suggestions of what I would like to see in those: Graphics Options - Various: As in options such as water reflections, building detail, model quality, terrain quality etc, kind of important ;-) Audio Options: Music - On/off (You already have this) Nature sounds - On/Off (These could be something like birds singing, birds screaming as they fall to the ground and die as someone accidentally fired an arrow at them, etc etc, you get the idea) Other sounds - On/Off Game Options Classic Build mode - I've noticed, that you currently have a set up, where military build military buildings and civilians build, civ buildings. This is all well and good, however some people may not like it this way, it would be a neat feature to be able to switch back to a "Classic" mode where the Civilians build everything again. However this would only be effective in Single Player. In multi-player it would switch back to normal mode, so that everyone is the same (Stops anyone having some sort of advantage over another due to a setting.) That's all I can think of for now (Plus I'm trying to keep this short), but I'll let you know if I find anything else that could be useful to you :-) Anyhow, once again, thank you. :-) - Jake PS: Any spelling grammar @#$% ups is because I'm tired :-) Sorry.
I tend to run my games at my monitors native resolution where possible (1440x900). However when my computer starts struggling I'll lower the resolution. :-)