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Posts posted by hex539

  1. Multithreading could work well with AI (branching every, say, 16 actors off into their own thread), which is a bottleneck on bigger scenes, but it's very hard to retroactively integrate parallelization into a project born before multithreading became popular.

    Maybe this will happen once the 0AD gets to 'feature-complete' and 'fully playable' stages, but for now I think most people are more interested in being able to play the game at all than play it fast (y)

  2. Yeah, I'm seeing it now. I guess I just didn't put the lighting settings on right. I see what you mean about the culling too.

    Having had a quick peek using the command you suggested, is it the case that hills are using shadow volumes whilst everything else uses shadow maps?

    (If I have any more development questions, I will ask in the appropriate forum- this was supposed to be an introduction thread (y) )

  3. The current code displays the water as very transparent, whereas the fancy code draws it nearly opaque; I have corrected this in the patch I am submitting right now, so the only differences are slight changes in hue (although because of reflections they can never be identical). Cube-mapped water (using the skybox as the cubemap) might be a good way to go with this, since then the results will look almost exactly the same excluding refractions and object reflections.

    About the terrain shadowing: What I meant was the physical map grid casting shadows onto itself- which I'm not seeing any evidence of. It might just be the system I'm on, however (MSI CR500, 1.9GHz*2, 3GB RAM, Geforce 8200M), but I haven't seen what I'm talking about in any of the screenshots either.

  4. Aha thanks, I did look at those pages but I skimmed them and didn't notice that link near the bottom of the former. I'll clean up my code then send a patch to be reviewed.

    On a side note, I know I'm a little late to the bandwagon here (9 years, to be precise) but I have to congratulate you guys for the work you've done here. In its current state, this is looking way better engineered than a lot of the commercial RTSes out there and the fact that it's OSS makes that twice as sweet.


    I'll see about uploading my first diff now, thanks for the pointers.

  5. Hi all, name's Robin.

    I heard about this project earlier today through Phoronix and it sounds really interesting. I'd like to get involved in the development side of things, as I have quite a bit of experience in graphics programming (some in AI, too, but not enough to be of assistance I think).

    I've cloned the SVN and it all looks very easy-to-follow- although I've only been looking at the terrain and water rendering sections so far. I wrote some small improvements to the fresnel calculations for non-fancy water, including calculating them per-vertex instead of as a constant value, as a little test to myself, and I wondered if anyone would be interested in them? And if so, how may I submit?

    Also, is anyone working on terrain self-shadowing? It looks like it's missing from an otherwise production-quality shadowing engine, and I think it would make steep inclines and cliffs look slightly less... Flat. If nobody is, and my code is deemed good enough, I'd be willing to give it a go.

    Thanks for any replies or sneers of disdain,


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